Dream's is small, and seems light by the way he's carrying it. Y/N's is larger and seems heavier.

"Y/N!" Tommy climbs down from the barrel and runs towards his sister.

"Hey Tommy" she smiles and hands Dream her present box.

Dream walks over to Tubbo.

"Where do I put these?" He asks holding the presents.

"On that table over there" Tubbo points at a table with present boxes stacked neatly.

Dream places his on top before placing Y/N's near the bottom.

"Happy Birthday Tommy!" Y/N says hugging him.

"Thanks" he smiles and sees Dream walking towards him.

"That package looks interesting, I wonder what's inside?"

Dream chuckles.

"You'll have to wait, I have a feeling you'll like it a lot"

"Watch it be a bomb" Tubbo jokes.

"Jokes aside it could be" Tommy says.

"It's not" Y/N says, he told me the idea and I thought you would like it"

"We'll see"

"Tommy!" Wilbur runs towards him with a big smile. Phil walks over, smiling. Techno jogs to keep up, balancing 3 present boxes. He tosses them to Fundy who places them on the table.

"Happy Birthday!" Wilbur hugs his brother and Phil puts his arms around both of them.

"What's in Dream's box?" Techno whispers to Y/N. "A bomb?"

"No, something Tommy will actually love"

"Like what?"

"You'll see" she smiles mischievously.

Techno rolls his eyes and ruffles her hair slightly.

"Is everyone here?" Tommy asks Tubbo.

"Everyone except Quackity" He shrugs.

"He said he'd be here" Tommy frowns. "Maybe he's just late"

The groups plays party games and eats the food prepared. The party last until the late afternoon.

Dream and Y/N chat with some of the Smp members.

Dream leaves Y/N chatting with Tina and spots Sam by the punch bowl.

He sneaks up quietly and taps him on the shoulder from behind.

Sam turns around and yelps in surprise.


"Hey Sam" Dream smiles. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah," Sam's eyes dart around Dream, assessing him for any possible threats.

The two make awkward conversations but eventually warm up to each other.

"So wait—," Sam chuckles. "You sat on Drista?"

"Yeah, she was sitting on my bed and was too stubborn to move so I decided to just sit on top of her"

"How'd she react?"

"She was lying on her stomach so I basically had her pinned" Dream laughs at the memory.

"You could have broken her back!" Sam laughs.

"But I didn't" he grins before taking another sip of punch.

"Attention everyone," they all look up and see Phil standing on the bridge right above the crater. The pile of presents sits behind him. Tommy sits next to it.

"It's time for Tommy to open his presents"

The group makes their way to the bridge. Some sit on the railings to make it less cramped.

Dream squeezes in next to Y/N and she smiles.

"I'll do this one first" Tommy grins and picks up a pink box. "From Niki" he reads the card before tearing off the packaging.

"Wow yummy!" He pulls out a collection of pastries, sweets, and candies.

"I baked them myself" Niki smiles.

"I'll eat them all tonight" Tommy says earning a laugh from the crowd.

"Okay, next" he picks up Y/N's box.

"From Y/N" he grins and rips off the bow and lifts off the lid.

He stares at the box for a second, not saying anything.

"What is it Tommy?" Phil asks.

"MUD!" Tommy puts his fist into the box and pulls out a handful of mud before rubbing it on the ground. "It's so soft and warm"

The crowd backs away as Tommy continues to run the mud around his hands.

Y/N smiles at her younger brother. Here he is on his 18th birthday and he still likes mud. She had to line the box with glass panes to prevent the mud from soaking through.

"That's enough" Phil closes the box and cleans off Tommy's hands and the mud he put on the bridge.

"Okay, the bomb from Dream" Tommy laughs and picks up the small package.

Dream laughs.

"It's not a bomb!"

Tommy unties the ribbon and raises the lid. He drop it to the floor and stares at the the bottom.

"Dream," he looks up at the green man.

"Yeah?" Dream's lips, instead of his usual smirk, are curled in a genuine smile.

"Dream, you—"

Tommy chokes on his words and stares at the gift once more.

"What is it?" Tubbo moves closer and peers into the box.

"No way" he breathes. "Absolutely no fucking way"


This was a filler chapter but also left a cliffhanger including some foreshadowing as well.

What is in that present?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now