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Sweet Home


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Ae-cha held tightly onto Su-yeong's hand as they followed Hyun-soo, the small girl holding onto her brother's hand too. The boy leading the group opened the door at the end of the hall, placing his hand on Ae-cha's shoulder as she walked past to urge her inside. They thought it was a better idea to always have one of them at the front and the other in the back to keep the kids in the middle.

Hearing gasps from behind them, Ae-cha and the kids turned around to see that Hyun-soo had not followed. Stepping towards the door they had just walked through to try and see what was going on, her eyes widened when she saw her friend leaning against the wall, blood gushing out of his nose.


"Get away from me," He gasped, spitting out the blood that slipped into his mouth. He looked at them suddenly. "Leave now!" He yelled, shutting the door in their faces.

Ae-cha was torn. She did not want to leave him behind but she knew that he could be dangerous towards the children. And she could not sanely send the kids on their own as she waited for him. Gritting her teeth in anger and pain, she turned around and started leading them away from him. She felt like she could not breathe but she needed to act quickly because if he started having symptoms like that again, she would probably do too and she could attack the kids.

A sudden ringing in her ear made her heart stop for a fraction of a second. Fuck.

The sound of the door behind them being knocked down to the floor made her stop in shock and she feared Hyun-soo had turned and he was now hunting them down. But when she turned around to see, she gasped in terror when she saw a huge, humanoid monster that looked like it had taken way too many steroids. Its teeth were bloody and crooked and the corner of its mouth looked like they had been cut open when it smiled. It had knocked down the door and had sent it right at their feet which Hyun-soo was now stuck underneath, his whole body bloody. Ae-cha hoped it was blood from his nose and not from a wound.

"Proteins," the monster cackled when it saw her and the two littles.

Crouching, the two kids started pulling on Hyun-soo's hand to try and pull him out from under the heavy door while Ae-cha stepped around them, holding her sword in front of her, her whole body trembling in fear. The thing started hitting the door frame to make it bigger so it could get through sending pieces of drywall and dust flying into the hall.

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