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Appointments for today, great. Busy day, I need a vacation.
"Ready for today?" My assistant smiles.
"Always am." I grab my camera happily. "What do we have?"
"Mostly couple shoots, one surprise engagement though." The woman grins.
"Those are always fun, is he sure it's gonna be a yes? Don't want a repeat of last week." I take the diary carefully.
"They're an older couple, both widows. It's a long story, but he's pretty sure it's a yes. Both their kids are there to make it special."
"I love when they include friends and family." I sigh happily. "And at sunset, nice."
"Well, they took into account the whole sun thing." She shrugs.
"We don't burst into flames, I thought we educated people on that?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah, but people still don't understand these things fully. I get it, you get weak and sick under sunlight."
"I wouldn't have hired you if you weren't knowledgeable on these things." I hand her the schedule back and switch the lights on for the studio.
"Lets set up." I grin.

After a long day of shooting, I finally sit at my desk to start editing the photographs I had taken throughout the day. I sent my assistant, Elise home for the day. She's a great woman, never says no to a task, lives for her kids. She hasn't let me down since she started working for me and I appreciate that. At least I have four days off now, minus editing and contacting clients. I sigh, clicking open my editing software before my cell phone rings.
"Reel Photography, you have Felix here." I use my usual cheery greeting.
"Oh, hi!" A woman's voice chirps. "I was hoping to organise a shoot for a friend?"
"Sure, what kind? Wedding, engagement, baby shower?" I grab my diary quickly.
"Well, that's the thing...I was scrolling through your Instagram and I see that you did a boudoir shoot a year ago..." Her voice drifts off.
"Is it for a friend and a partner?"
"No, just her. She's going through a hard time and I feel like she needs a confidence boost and your work is amazing."
"Thank you." I chuckle. "I can certainly do that for your friend, I have the next four days off so I'm happy to book you in."
"Would tomorrow work?"
"Sure, that works for me."
"Thank you so much! How does ten sound?" She squeals excitedly.
"Perfect, I need a name though."
"Right, sorry." She calms down. "I'll put it under my name, it's Hailey."
"I'll see you and your friend tomorrow."
I hang up and quickly call Elise who's happy to come in. See? Couldn't ask for a better assistant! I haven't had a spicy shoot in a long time, I'm excited to do this. I check the time, I can get a few hours of editing in before I should sleep...or rest? Vampires don't sleep, we "recharge" sleep isn't needed, we get tired of course, but when that happens we just meditate I suppose that's the only way to describe it. Vampires came out into the open a hundred years ago and yet we still have to educate humans on how we work. We do drink blood, there's no cure, you can be born a vampire, even half vampires exist. We use blood banks generously donated by humans and in return, we donate our blood to sick people needing transfusions. Vampire blood is incredibly healing with many benefits, when we first came out into the open we were hunted for that reason. Now, it's mostly peaceful.

I check my watch, eight in the morning. I head out of the studio which is partially my apartment, no need to commute to work. I'll get Elise breakfast since I know she'll come in early. Still dark, perfect. Winter is great, I don't have to hide all day until night to go out. I grab breakfast from Elise's favorite place before I head back, the traffic isn't too bad this morning either which is another plus. Right on time, Elise makes her way into my office and I hand over the breakfast and coffee.
"This is why you're the best boss." She mumbles with food in her mouth.
"I do love you, but I don't speak food." I smirk.
The blonde swollows down her food and shoots me a playful glare. Elise and I grew up together, she studied business in college and I started my photography career on my own, when I started gaining a lot of traction and clients, Elise offered help. She is completely human as are her children, her husband is too but we have our issues I suppose.
"You're such a man child, what am I in for anyway on my day off?" She grins.
"Boudoir shoot."
"You haven't done one of those since...her." her face twists into a look of disgust.
"I know, but someone saw it on my Instagram and her friend needs a boost so." I shrug it off.
"I told you social media works." She nudges me lightly with her foot.
"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes and stand from my chair. "Better set up."
Elise quickly takes my seat, getting comfortable.
"On you go." She waves her hand whilst she continues to eat.
"Yes boss!" I yell and give a salute.
I lay out any props or items this client might want to use, lay out a fold up bed and grab a mattress from the closet. It has been a while since I needed any of this, I sigh and attempt to put the sheet on the bed, groaning every time a corner lifts back up. Whoever invented fitted sheets, I hope you are burning in a firey pit right now. Elise laughs, coming to the rescue as always.
"How do you live alone?"
"I barely change my sheets." I blink.
"Gross." She smacks me with a pillow.
"I don't sleep!" I argue. "I only have a bed because you said it was weird."
"It is weird! How can you not enjoy laying down?"
"Oh I do, just not like that." I smirk.
"Please, I don't need to picture that." She rubs her temples. "You're like my brother."
I get up from the bed that has now been made, good. With an hour to spare.

Elise and I stand at my desk, well she sits in my chair while I lean on the desk. The door suddenly opens revealing a happy looking woman with someone following behind.
"Hailey?" I stand and shake her hand. "I'm Felix, nice to meet you."
"I'm so happy to meet you, this is my friend." She gestures to the woman behind her.
"Hello." I hold a hand out.
"Hi." She takes it, looking rather annoyed.
"So, the studio is this way." I change the subject.
We start walking to the other room, I can hear the two behind me talking quietly.
"Why am I here? It's for your husband."
"Oh no, honey. Its for you."
We enter the studio, Hailey dragging her friend inside while Elise stands grinning.
"So, can I have a name?" I look at the friend.
"Val." She grumbles.
"Alright, Val. I'm Felix and I'm guessing you just found out this is your shoot."
"Look, it'll be good for you." Hailey nudges her.
"Listen, if you're not comfortable with it we can move it to another date, I'm happy to change my schedule for you." I explain softly.
"No, it's fine. I'm already here."
"Only if you're sure."
"She's fine." Hailey cuts in.
"I appreciate you want to help, but to me consent even for a photoshoot is important." I shrug. "Val?"
"I may as well." She sighs.
"If you're not happy with me in the room while you get ready, Hailey and Elise are here and I'll leave."
She finally looks at me, I gulp back a lump in my throat. Oh wow, her bright blue eyes gaze at me with a hint of annoyance and sadness, she keeps her arms crossed over her body as if to hide it.
"Would you?"
"Sure." I compose myself enough to walk out of the room.

Elise finally announces that Val is ready, but she's a little shy with this. I nod once, making my way back into the room. I stop dead in my tracks, trying not to stare at the woman in front of me. Despite the fact her arms remain over her body, I can see the hint of curves on her hips, her thighs...oh god her thighs. I clear my throat, remaining as professional as I possibly can.
"Is there...anything you like?" I gesture awkwardly to the props.
She looks over to the table before slowly approaching, this time dropping her arms. I take a moment to subtly admire the body in front of me. Damn, she's gorgeous, what is she hiding it for? Any person on this earth would die to be with a woman like this.
"I like the rope and the lights." She looks over her shoulder.
I can actually see her face clearly, she really is beautiful. I nod slowly.
"Any knots you like?" I walk over to the table and smile.
"What do you know about knots?" She scoffs.
"Is that a challenge?" I raise an eyebrow.
"And if it is?"
Is...no, she can't be. She's just nervous and acting out on it.
"I have a beautiful knot that I think you would like. It creates a pentagram along the chest and it makes for amazing photos." I explain.
"I like that idea." A small smile breaks out.
I grab the rope and lead her to the bed, getting to work. I avoid touching her skin as much as possible, I don't want her to think I'm a creep.
"Comfortable?" I check in.
"Its not bad." She nods.
"Which part?"
"The knot, I'm comfortable."
"Good." I step back and kneel down to start shooting.
After a few of those, we move onto the lights. Hailey decides she wants to try something so with permission, we allow it.
"Bend over!" She giggles.
She is very...enthusiastic. Her friend complies, bending over the edge of the bed. A small noise makes its way out of my mouth, but only Elise seems to hear since she turns with her signature smirk.
"You know, Felix is happy for you to visit him any time to see progress." She smiles.
I give her a look, begging her to keep her mouth closed. Don't set me up with a client!

I check my watch, twelve in the afternoon, this has been a long shoot but it's over, not that I mind. I adore my job.
"Thanks, I think its helped." Hailey whispers.
"Any time."
"Go wait in the car, I'm gonna stay here a minute." Val looks over to her friend.
Hailey walks out with a shrug and Elise leaves us alone once everything is back to its original place.
"So, I can come by and see my photos being edited?"
"Sure, I mean...of course." I run a hand through my hair. "Wouldn't be professional if I didn't."
"Do you have a card? I don't want to come by unannounced."
I hand over my business card quickly.
"I don't mind, a lot of people like to leave me to it as a surprise."
"Should I bring anything?" She looks up at me and again, I melt a little.
"No, just yourself." I smile politely.
"I'll see you later then."
"See you."
I'm fucked.

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