"Suck a dick." I retorted as the car came a complete stop. I quickly got out of the passenger seat before she could say anything else and walked to the door 

I took out my house key and opened it before quickly jogging upstairs to my room.

"Angel!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen causing my heart to sink. I quickly threw on a hoodie and went back down the stairs to see her and the rest of my siblings in different spots through the living room.

"First of all why do you have on a hoodie and it's hot as hell outside? Second of all the food done so y'all can go eat but make sure you wash your hands." She says while holding the tv remote and looking me up and down.

"Because Felix had the air on blast." Is answered causing his head to quickly turn.

"So you-"

"Momma can we go eat now?" Zarina asked, saving me. Our mom waved us off and we went on our way to go eat.

Fast forward a bit and I got through eating. I went upstairs and took a warm shower so I could go to sleep comfortably.

Once I got back in my room I put my phone on the charger, put some comfortable cloths on, and laid down.


𝗔𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝟮𝟴
𝟲:𝟯𝟭 𝗔𝗠

I awoke to see Felix shaking me trying to get me to wake up. I groaned letting him know I was up and reached for my phone. Felix exited my room leaving me to question why school required getting up this early.

I stood up and went into the hallway only to see the bathroom was currently occupied. I went back in my room to find something presentable to wear since it is the first day. When I found something I laid it out in my bed and went back into the hall.

I was finally able to get into the bathroom do so my daily routine which took up to about 30 minutes. I then went back into my room to get dressed. Everything was going well until the loud voices of Genesis and Zarina could be heard from their room.

See the thing is our home doesn't have five different bedrooms, it has four. So originally it was going to be me and Felix sharing a room but my dad talked to my mom about us being boys and needing privacy which I think doesn't really matter. Long story short they had to share a room while me and Felix were able to have our own.

I thought about going in there to stop their bickering but it's still too early and I'm still tired. When I was done getting ready, exited my room making sure to close the door behind me. I knocked on Felix's door and announced that I'll be in the car.

I passed my parents' room on the way downstairs and seen my dad sleeping. I smiled and jogged down the stairs then to the car I went.

I waited some time before everybody came out of the house. We all had the dress to impress mindset because everyone had something presentable on.

As Felix entered the drivers side he asked, "Do you guys have everything you need before we go?"

I only nodded and Zarina and Genesis responded with a simple 'yes'. The car ride to the school was pretty quiet since we all were still tired. This being the first day back means that it's going to be a lot going on and I'm not prepared for that.

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