I Was Too Late.........! 😭

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*Yesterday, Lori was framed for jabbing Lincoln in the eye by Jessica, Cassandra, and Big Boss. The entire family were in the room, but they didn't see Lori being knocked out and dragged to the basement, where Cassandra had dressed up like Lori, who then walked up the stairs and jabbed Lincoln in the eye. I'm sorry to say that she, Jessica and Big Boss had escaped through the basement window before Lori woke up. Rita had called the cops and they arrested Lori. She disowned her from the family, but she didn't know what was going to happen. Later that night, Luan had a nightmare where Lori had drowned in her prison cell. Before the warden saw that Lori was innocent, it was too late. The prison filled up with water before it collapsed on top of Lori. Luan then woke up screaming.*

Luan: LORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Luan had been shaking in fear, while tears were rolling down her face.*

Luna: LUAN?!??!?!!??!!? Dude..........?!

*Luan smacked Luna's hand.*

Luan: DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW THAT LORI'S GONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Luna: Luan........ what are you talking about?! Lori got what she deserved and....... uh oops.........!

*Luan then slapped Luna, got up, put her rain coat on, then took the keys to Vanzilla. She sped down the streets. I'm sorry to say that the engine died a few blocks away from the prison.*

Luan: No........! No! NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*She tried to start the engine, but it was no good.*

Luan: COME ON, YOU PIECE OF SH**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME OOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Unfortunately, when she got out and kicked the tire, the van rolled into the flood. The van then floated away. Luan then ran to the prison on foot. However, I am sorry to say that when Luan got to the prison, she was too late.*


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Luan:*crying* No.........! LORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*She was about to go in after Lori, but the warden, the guards and the cops grabbed her.*

Jack: Luan, no! It's too dangerous!

Luan: LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO SEE MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Officer Leonard: Luan, it's too late! She's gone!

Luan: NO, SHE'S NOT!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!

Carol: Luan........!

Luan: Carol..........?! What are you doing here?! Where is my sister?!

*Carol's eyes had tears in them, which isn't a good sign. Carol drove the ambulance down there and she tried to feel Lori for a pulse earlier, but there was no pulse.*

I don't own this OST at all! It belongs to James Horner. The movie belongs to James Cameron.

Luan:*crying* No...........! No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note: Next chapter will be where Lori's body is taken to the morgue. I also would like to thank Ch276Zj for letting me do this story. I hope she likes it. Lori's Consequences and Actions belongs to Ch276Zj as well.

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