angus laughs lightly clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth and nodding bringing his attention back to the main topic at hand, "you know why i asked you to come out with me tonight, right?"

"you want to discuss our relationship." angus nods and mikayla reluctantly looks up from her plate to meet his intense stare. "i thought we talked about it when you came over yesterday. in fact we did a lot more than talk, angus."

angus clasped his hands together and slightly rocked his body back and forth, "i know we did. i just need to know if we on the same page on where we stand."

"i wanna be with you i just-"

angus raises his hand silencing her. "don't say it." he tried to hide his frustration but it was no use as he clasped his hands in front of his face,"the fuck are we doin' here mikayla." he momentarily looked off to the side, "do you want to be with me, yes or no?"

mikayla sinked back into her seat and looked off to the side. "i just think-"

"nah don't think just answer my fuckin' question bro."

"don't curse at me."

angus sighed letting out an annoyed breath of air, "you so fucked up bruh."


"i'm tired of having to constantly prove myself to you. it's not my fuckin' fault everybody in yo life has left you."

mikayla's breath hitched in her throat as she took everything in. the fact angus knew about her family and her abandonment issues and here he was, using all the things she confided in him against her to prove his point.

his facial expression softened when he realized what he said while mikayla tried to keep her tears at bay, which failed since tears were already quickly streaming down her face.


"don't- don't say anything. fuck you." she scooted her chair back and grabbed her handbag making her way out of the restaurant.

"mikayla wait-" angus followed after her and his eyes squinted as cameras flashed in his face.

"what did you do to mikayla?"

"angus, how does it feel to be famous?"

"mikayla! why are you crying?"

mikayla's bodyguard who stood outside waiting patiently for the two quickly stepped forward to her aid as she lifted her arm to try and shield herself.

her eyes were blurry from her tears and the camera flashes didn't help either.

screams were heard signaling a couple of their fan girls and boys were in the crowd.

"you're so hot mikayla!"

"can the car hurry up please?" she looks up at her bodyguard who currently had a protective arm around her waist.

a dude manages to squeeze between all the paparazzi and get past the bodyguard. he lunged towards mikayla and angus quickly jumped in front of her pushing the guy back into the arms of mikayla's bodyguard.

"yo, you got one fuckin' job. the fuck is my girl paying you for? tighten the fuck up!" angus screams wrapping his arm around mikayla pulling her body close just as their car pulled up.

"i-i'm sorry there was a lot going on-"

"angus! can you confirm that you and mikayla are together?"

"smile for me sweetheart."

angus roughly covered one of the paparazzi's cameras. he opened his car door for mikayla watching her get in before going to the other side and hopping in himself.

mikayla wiped her eyes and hiccuped trying to control her breathing.

"you okay, baby?" he reached his hand to her to wipe her tears.

"just a little shaken up, i'm fine." she sniffled and moved her face away from his gentle touch.

angus reluctantly nods his head and starts the car up. he honked his horn few times when the paparazzi wouldn't stop standing in front of his car before driving mikayla home.

the silence was eerie the whole ride there. he kept glancing at her every time she sniffled and couldn't help but feel like shit.

"baby, i know you don't wanna talk to me right now but i need you to know that i'm sorry. don't ice me out, ight?... please, just talk to me."

mikayla stays silent waiting until he stopped his car in front of her house and didn't hesitate to make her way out slamming the passenger door behind her.

she probably walked two full strides before being pulled back by her arm.

mikayla looked up when he cupped her face.

when her bottom lip started to tremble, angus pulled her in for a hug running his hand through her hair as she sobbed into his chest. "how could you say that to me back there?"

"im sorry, mickie. i ain't never mean to disrespect you like that." she lifts her face up and he placed his thumb on his cheek stroking her face and getting rid of her fallen tears.

"that was really fucking mean angus."

"i know, baby, i know." he kisses the top of her head and continues to hold her and apologize over and over again until she finally started to calm down.

"i'm not inviting you in."

"i know."

mikayla gives him one final look before pulling away from him.

"i love you." he calls out watching her make her way up the stairs and to her doorstep.

"...goodnight, angus."

angus let out a frustrated sigh after she got in the house and shut the door. "fuck." he mumbles running his hands over his face before getting in his car in defeat and driving off.

⋯⋯⋯ ˁᱸᲲᱸˀ ⋯⋯⋯⋯

authors note:
y'all have been begging me for
this chapter and i literally re-wrote
it about three times lol

more chapters will be coming soon,,
also check out my new euphoria book


pls like & comment <3

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