Takao Kazunari | Fiery red eyes

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Takao Kazunari x Manager! Male reader


Flirting, cuddles, training camps, America, little brother

Y/n was outside the training camp, as the manager. He was 6'1, and quite muscular. He used to do track and field. The hurdles and the hammer throw.

Y/n was on a bench and relaxing. He needed a moment to destress before the training camp started. Y/n stared at the files he had of each other players at the training camp, and it was a lot of paper.

Y/n had been procrastinating on reading it, now he only had 20 minutes to do it.

Y/n picked up the stack of papers easily, and carried them into the gym. He sat down and started reading.


"Hey, there." Takao came up to the Y/n.

Y/n hummed in response.

"I was wondering if you were single?" Takao sheepishly smiled.

Y/n looked up at Takao, finding him a bit cute.

"I am, cutie." Y/n smirked. "Why? You want a piece of this sexiness?"

"I do, actually~"

Y/n and Takao flirted back and forth. Takao stared into Y/n's fiery red eyes, finding them familiar.

"Your eyes burn with fire it sets my heart on fire." Takao flirted.

Y/n laughed.

"Then I think you would like those red eyes." Y/n pointed to the two-toned red-black haired male.

Takao looked at Kagami, and the rest of Seirin, who were pissed.

Takao looked back and forth between Kagami's and Y/n's eyes.

"Your eyes are—"

Y/n smiled at Takao. "My name is Kagami Y/n, nice to meet you, Takao Kazunari."

"Back off my little brother..." Kagami growled.

Takao quickly scurried away.

"He was cute, big bro. Real cute." Y/n smiled.

"If you like him, fine, but you remember you have to bring him home to dad after six months." Kagami tells Y/n.

Y/n groaned at the rule he found dumb. The Kagami brothers had to bring home, any gender, home to father for them to meet after six months of dating. Y/n hated the rule, but obeyed.

And it was the reason he was still single.


Y/n and Takao met up outside during the night. They sat, and flirted for a while, before

"Will you go on a date with me...?" Takao asked.




Y/n was bringing Takao home to America for Takao to meet his father. Kagami was on the flight there too. Kagami wore headphones, as he listened to his downloaded music. He looked over at Y/n's phone to find his flirting with Takao, who was sitting right next to Y/n.

"Ew." Kagami mumbled.

Y/n flipped off his older brother and continued texting Takao.


They get to the Kagami residence. Y/n let himself into the house, with Taiga behind him. Takao is the last in line.

"Dad!" Y/n happily hugged his father.

Taiga half hugged his father after Y/n.

Takao nervously smiled.

The oldest Kagami, Taro who had two-toned hair black and red and fiery red eyes, glared coldly at Takao.

"And you are?" Taro snarled.

"T-Takao Kazunari, sir..." Takao stuttered.

"Kazunari. Let's have a chat while my sons go and put their stuff away." Taro stated.


Y/n was cut off.

"Now, Y/n. Taiga."

Y/n sighed, but obeyed his father. Taiga did it, no questions.


There was a  knock on Y/n's bedroom.

"You scared him away didn't you, Dad?" Y/n grumbled miserably.

The door slowly opened.

"Not this time, babes." Takao smiled.


Y/n and Takao hugged tightly, and kissed each other's lips.

"I approve, Y/n. Keep this one, okay?" Taro tells his son.

"Of course, Dad!"

Taro closed the door. Takao and Y/n cuddled on Y/n's bed with happy smiles.

They made out, wanting to do it with each other, but held themselves back.

They only kissed and cuddled.

They were happy with the approval of Taro, and couldn't wait to marry one day.

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