Chapter 12

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I felt cool with the shade on as Monty and I helped carry the tables into the Art room.
The arts and crafts room was coming along smoothly,   more hand make light work as they say.    And honestly it is very true, try and change my mind. 

The chairs had the animatronics as the back support and cushions, each character chairs, one at each table.   Monty had the speakers, I took care of the art cubbies and everyone else helped in other ways.

The chairs are built to be able to carry two animatronics at once, so the were very strong.  So I wasn't worried when Monty scooped me up with one of the chairs,  running around the room with him and I laughing our heads off.  "Please be careful!" Jodi shouted at us as Monty ran out and away toward who knows where, with me in a Monty themed chair.  Luckily there was a clear path through the crowd so that no one got hurt.   But as we passed, a lot of the kids laughed at the situation Monty and I are in.

He finally put my down once we reached my room in Rockstar row.  I was a giggly mess as I stood up,  Monty however had a huge smile on his face. 

I wish these moments would last for forever.

These silly, childish, and amazing memories immortalized by time until this world is no more.  Our young hearts on a never ending display of affection.

I don't care if these feelings are one sided, I'm going to savour what ever comes.

But nice things like this don't last long.

The Pizza Plex with its glorious face was filled with despair,  spirits not at rest.

Our moment was disrupted by Roxy who looked distressed. 

"Oh thank goodness you two are here,  something dangerous is in the building. They are gonna put us in night mode".

"Just perfect, I hate night mode. What's the thing lurking around?" Monty growled.

Roxy shook her head, "We don't know".

" You guys have me now, it should be easier to find it now. Right?"

They looked at each other then back at me.
"They didn't implement night mode into your system yet.   Well, you could try patrolling manually?"  Roxy suffled on her feet as she explained my little problem.

"Don't worry about me,  I should be fine".

Monty sighed,  " Just a warning, we won't be ourselves.  We won't be as nice".

I nodded in understanding, it's going to be a crazy night.  "When do we start?"

"12:00 am"

My breath hitched.

I hope that it's not an Innocent human we are after.

Monty noticed my reaction and frowned.

"We will be a little aggressive, so please be careful." Roxy warned, I know exactly what happens from 12:00am.  I've seen it happen multiple times in my nightmare.

"A little? A little?!  We are going to be VERY AGGRESSIVE!" Monty shouted angrily.  His eyes glowed as he glared at Roxy, not wanting me to have to deal with this night mode situation.  Mesmerizing, I will say.

"Monty, I'll be fine." I reassured Monty calmly, which worked.  He huffed as I placed his Sunglasses on him and ruffling his Mohawk.

"I'll leave you two now.  Y/n I'd suggest you wait in here till after 12,  how long doesn't matter.  Just give us a chance to get used to the night mode first".   " ok "  I nod at her once more as she left.

The Fault In Our Scars  Monty x Reader FnafWhere stories live. Discover now