update again

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soooo, it's been a while.

the reason I haven't said or done anything with this story is that every time i would finally have time to sit down and write, something would happen in my life that ended up preventing me in doing so. I had mental health issues and then family matters that kept coming up, even having a death in the family back in November. then school and work kept preventing me as well and i just lost any motivation in touching this story.

i only remembered it because i am currently listening to the playlist i created for delilah and killian. this doesn't mean any updates are on their way, i may not ever touch this story again. 

but, none of us know what the future holds. i may continue writing when i can, build up chapters, and post all at once. i may change everything and make it it's own separate thing away from once upon a time so it is it's own story. or i just may leave it how it is and forget about it. i don't know.

i know many of you loved this story and the characters and were hoping for me to come back. i can't give a certain answer or anything that may bring you happiness. i just kept feeling demotivated because bad shit would happen whenever i began to write it. it made me feel like maybe this isn't the right path for this story because i was never able to finish writing a new chapter.

i am not a religious person, so i won't say it was 'god' telling me not to do this. and it happened one too many times for it to just be a weird coincidence. it happened for weeks. 

so, again, who knows what will happen with this story. for now, i will mark it as complete to so no one expects anything new, but it will be discontinued for the time being.

maybe i come back to it, maybe i don't. 

i do miss writing delilah and her story, so if anything DOES get written and i like it, maybe I'll post it in a different book of little one-shots, but no one hold their breath about it.

i am so sorry for everyone who was excited for this story and its direction. to those who were waiting for me to update and come back saying 'another chapter!', but I just couldn't do that. I am so so sorry. 

thank you to everyone who has enjoyed what was written and who supported me through the years. i am sorry i couldn't bring more or do more. 

- destiny

infatuation - killian jones DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora