While he was talking with Tommi, I took Olli's empty wine glass from the table and went to kitchen.
I put it in the sink, then I opened the fridge in that hope that there would be something to eat.
And then I saw the wine bottle. I freezed and stared at it.
I haven't drank any alcohol, and that's only a good thing. But sometimes when Olli is drinking some wine, my inner self wants to take the whole bottle and drink it.
Olli has been asking that if it's okay if he takes one or two glasses of it. He wants to support me and he would've been ready to stop drinking too. But I didn't allow him. If he wants to take, then he takes.
I explained to him couple times that he doesn't need to stop because of me.
With me he still hasn't drank at all until tonight.
It didn't bother me, but now when I see that bottle...
No. Eevi, don't be stupid.
I shook my head and closed the fridge, and I took a very deep breath.
I promised to Olli, to my therapist, Niko and.. everyone. That I will not drink. I can handle this.

Then Olli walked to the kitchen too, he looked weird.
I frowned, he was rubbing his face.
"What is it? Why Tommi called?" I asked a bit nervous.
He looked kinda lost at first, and he stared me like he didn't hear me at all.
"Uhm.. yeah.. Tommi just arrived here. He's at the airport." He then said, but he still looked so weird.
I was confused.
Olli then went to the hallway, and I followed him with a lot of questions.
"Why? Has something happened?" I asked confused while he was putting his jacket on.

He put his shoes on, and then stood up. He looked at me and walked to me.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, and he smiled to me. But that smile didn't seem to be natural.
Like he was forcing it.
"Aleksi is going to pick him up, I promised to go with him. I'll come later." He explained calmly and played with my open hair. He didn't look me in the eyes, it wasn't normal.
I put my fingers under his jaw and made him look at me, his eyes looked so lost.
Like there wasn't anything.
I was just about to open my mouth and ask about it, but he was faster.
"I'll explain later, okay?" He made that smile again.
I just nodded in confusion, and he gave me a long kiss.

When he was gone, I just kept standing in the hallway, confused.
That all was just weird. And why is Tommi suddenly here, and came by plane?
Well, whatever it is, I will not think about it now.
I went to the bathroom, and I was ready to go to shower. I looked myself from the mirror, and studied my face.
There was so silent, and all that was ruined by my doorbell. I flinched badly, I got so scared.
Well who the heck there is now?
Quickly I took my bathrobe and put it on, and I walked out of the bathroom. The floor was cold against my bare feet.
Without hesitation I opened the door, maybe Olli forgot his keys or something?
And when I opened it, my heart almost jumped out of my body.

There she stood, that evil smirk on her face.
I was shocked, what the fuck is she doing here?
How? Why?
"And after all you still dare to come here? I will fucking call the police." I hissed and was about to close the door, but she put her hand on there and also put her feet between the door. I looked at her under my eyebrows.
"I will fucking crush your leg and hand if you don't let go." I said angrily.
One of my neighbours walked up the stairs, and probably looked at us in confusion.
Her smirk got bigger, and she chuckled.
"Can you even let me in so I can explain?" She said with her annoying tone.
I didn't make a move. Would she be that stupid that I would let her in?

The neighbour stared at us. This doesn't belong to him, so why he's there?
"You want that dude to listen and stare at us?" She looked quickly behind her and then me again. I changed my gaze between those two.
I stepped aside so she could walk in. Maybe I rather shout at her inside my apartment than here, in front of that man.
He still looked at me weirdly, and I gave him a strange look and then closed the door.
She just walked further, with her shoes on. I lifted my eyebrows up, but that didn't really suprise me.
When she would care about such a thing?
She just looked around, probably trying to find Olli.

She then went to the kitchen and I followed her, but still keeping a good distance. I don't want her to come any near me, and if she will, I will call the police.
She looked to the sink and it made me frown. She took the wine glass from there and showed it to me.
"You've been drinking here? Well then I'm not suprised that you're so pissed." She smirked.
I was getting even more angrier.
"It's not mine, and why you care? It was your brother who came here to beat Olli." I replied. She put the glass back, and her face wasn't even changing. Felt like she didn't hear me, but the reality was that she didn't just care.
"Yeah.. sorry about that. My brother got so angry about the whole situation, and he has anger issues. I told him not to do anything, but I see he still did." She explained while continuing her way to my living room.

"Why you're here?" I asked annoyed. I really wanted her to leave right away. And what if Olli would suddenly come back? What would happen?
"No reason. I just wanted to see you. When I heard about my brother, I was worried that did he do something to you." She tried to look and sound so innocent.
But I know her real reasons. She wanted to meet Olli.
I let out a chuckle, and she looked me under her eyebrows.
"Don't even try. Your games don't work on me. All you care about is only yourself. Can you leave before I get angry?" I pointed the front door.
Slowly she took steps where I wanted her to go, and now she was standing about an meter away from me.
She looked at her feet.
"I'm glad that you two are alive." She mumbled and continued her way then to the door. I frowned again.
What is wrong with her?

Before she opened the door, she looked at me.
Then that smirk came back again on her stupid face.
"Say greetings to Olli from me." She tried so hard not to laugh. I wanted to kick her ass right now.
"I will not." I hissed. Then she was gone.

I walked back to the bathroom, and I placed my hands on the sink. I let out a short scream.
I was so frustrated and angry. Why the fuck she came here just to annoy me?
Then my therapists advices came to my mind. I had to calm myself down. Not to let that feeling to take control over me.
I took deep breaths and I kept repeating saying to myself that I'm alright.

I was laying down on my bed and I scrolled my phone. Two hours since Olli left, and I was getting worried. Why he left with such a hurry, why Tommi is here and so on?
I heard the door open, I stopped everything for a second, even breathing. The door closed.
It was Olli, I listened very carefully his every move and I put my phone aside.
Then his steps were getting closer towards the bedroom, and I knew he tried to be as silent as possible. Probably he thought I was sleeping already.
He walked in and saw that I was now sitting on the bed. He let his fingers run through his hair.
"I thought you were sleeping." He said quietly and sat on the edge of the bed, taking his pants off.
"I was waiting for you." I smiled, even tho in this darkness he wouldn't see it.

He crawled next to me, and it made me chuckle when he pushed me down. He placed kisses all over my face and neck, and it made me chuckle even more. I buried my hands on his hair, and this seemed like he will never stop. Well did I want him to stop? No.
"What gives me the glory to get such an greeting?" I smiled when he stopped and looked me into my eyes. He wrapped his arms around me, and we layed down, face to face. Gently he smiled, and put some of my hair behind my ear.
"I'm just happy that you're here. And I wish that you will never leave." He quietly answered. He looked a bit sad, it made me worried again.
I stroked his cheek, and he closed his eyes for a moment.

"I will always be here." I whispered against his lips before I gave him a sweet kiss. He smiled, and we went even closer to each other.
I will not tell him about the fact that Emilia visited here. I know he doesn't want to hear anything about her, and me neither.
It is finally time to focus on us.

Two more chapters to go! :O
I'm so happy that our boys are having their first headline show in USA in April!
Thank you so much for reading this story, leaving votes and comments, they mean so much to me<3
Stay safe and strong🖤

All I ever wantedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz