Hour One

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The loud clanging of the MRI machine slowed and stopped as Ella felt the bed she was lying on move out of its reach. The technician and the doctor leaned over her, talking in tones too low to hear over the protective headphones she'd been given.

She took them off, but could only hear short bursts of their conversation. "Possible...limited time...what..."

"Hey," she said before sitting up and hanging her legs off the side. "I don't mean to be rude, but what are the results? After earlier today, I'm not so sure that everything's okay."

Both medical employees turned to each other and then faced her. The doctor spoke. "We have some bad news."

"The results are done already?" Ella asked. "Don't MRIs take a few days to develop?"

The technician blurted out, "This is newer technology, and they develop super fast now." She gave Ella a nervous smile. Ella stared back at her and then looked at the doctor.

"We approximate that you have about twenty-four hours to live. Give or take," said the doctor.

"Yeah okay," Ella scoffed and rolled her eyes. She expected her parents to pop out from behind a corner and all of them would yell 'surprise'. A few seconds went by. The realization set in that they may not be joking.

She could feel the perspiration making its way onto her fawn-colored skin, but she continued. "You're...joking, right?"

"No, Ms. Stone, we are not joking," said the technician. "Your parents are outside currently waiting to hear the news as well." He motioned towards the door for Ella to leave.

She stood and slowly walked to the door. The whole world seemed hollow and plastic as she opened the door and faced her parents.

Her mother ran her hand through Ella's fluffy hair, tracing the gray streaks that had invaded her usual brown a few days prior. Then Ella told them the news. All surrounding noise drowned out as Ella had to repeat the death sentence to her loving parents.

She saw her mom collapse to the floor dramatically, fighting tears. Her stepdad drew Ella into a tight hug, whispering comforting words into her ear. She could barely hear them. She felt a tear fall slowly down her face, but the gray world made it disappear under the weight of her fate.

She had twenty-four hours left. 

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