Chapter 6:

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..Third Pov..





Y/N: "(GLARE)"

Gudako: 'I feel a menacing glare from somewhere nearby... It's scary....' She felt chills goes down her spine

Mash: "Multiple enemies incoming! Your orders, master!"

Gudako: "Ah, r-right! Defeat them all, my king and Mashu!"

Mash: "As you wish! Mash Kyrielight, engaging in battle!"

Y/N: "Hm.... Y/N Pendragon, engaging too for battle" He followed her suit "Be cautious with your fighting, shielder. Sometimes, your back is wide open for attack so take note of that"

Mash: "Yes, of course!"

Gudako: 'Heh, I knew it--'

Y/N: "And master..."

Gudako: "Ah! Y-yes?"

Y/N: "I can safely assume that you wouldn't order me to use my noble phantasm, right?"

Gudako: "Umm.... 'Crap! I was looking forward to seeing it with today's farming. He saw right through my plan, damn it!' "

Y/N: "Where's. My. Reply?"

Gudako: "Y-Yes, my king! Under no circumstances would I let you use your noble phantasm! Even if it's a critical situation!"

Y/N: "Good. Now let us go, Shielder!"

Now, we all have a question in mind. "What in the world is this scene?" or probably something else. So, let us answer that with a simple and short flashback to understand the situation.


Within the hallways of Chaldea, it had completely gone quiet except for the snow hitting the window, and inaudible noises behind many doors. Inside of one room in particular was the cafeteria itself filled with a bunch of servants talking to one another, and eating their respective meals.

As while one servant was sitting on a table, that is being occupied by all of the twelve versions of Artoria. And it was none other than our protagonist Y/N, himself, who was sitting with them.

The saberfaces eat normally while feeling a bit weirded out by the grand servant sitting by their table except for Lily who be-friended with him because of her kind nature.

He was chatting with Merlin or more of like Merlin questioning him, and not to mention MHX was sitting beside him, and putting some suspicious things into his food. But it didn't go un-noticed of course, since her older counterpart was struggling to stop her from doing her stupid antics.

Merlin: "So, Y/N. How was your "Merlin" in your own world?"

Y/N: "Merlin....? Never met a person named Merlin.... or either a creature named after one"

Merlin: "Eh?..(Blink)..(Blink)
..Then who was the one who helped and guided you towards kingship?"

Y/N: "All... by myself"

Merlin: "Really?"

Y/N: "Yes"

Merlin: "Not really much of a talker aren't you, Y/N? Or maybe you have not taking a fond of me and others here, except for Lily and Mordred"

Artorias: ".......(munch)"

MHX: "SEIBAH!! Oof!"

MHXX: "Down, girl! Down I say!"

The Grand SaberOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant