Gerita chpt. 4

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Italy opened his eyes. The room was dark, singnaling that it was either very early in the morning, or very late at night. He did however, hear the patter of rain outside.
He sat in the bed for a few minutes, it seemed that it was just a simple rain storm. Nothing to crazy, until the point gwen the was a flash of lightning and the crackle of thunder.
He jumped up screaming and hid under the covers. Shaking, he reached over to the bedside and picked up his phone. He turned it on, entered the pass-code, and entered his contacts.
"R-Romano?" He whispered into the phone, before he could continue, his brother was shouting at him and the call went dead.
Even though he was more comfortable sleeping next to his brother, he didn't have a choice. Did he?
"Ja Italia..." A very tired sounding voice said on the other side of the phone.
"Well... I was-a sleeping. And I woke up, and the noises scare me...."
"I'll be right there Italia." The young Italia curled up in his blankets and shook a little bit. He turned the TV on, but found nothing interesting so he switched it off.
There was a knock on the door downstairs, Italy nervously slid out of the bed, and ran down the stairs to the front door flung it open, and hugged the slightly wet figure in front of him.
"D-Doitsu," He said, as thunder cracked through the sky, "It-a is so scary..."
"Don't worry Italia." The older nation picked the younger boy up bridal style and carried him to his room. As he set him on the bed he wrapped and arm around him and kissed him on the forehead.

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