2 - one day

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Literally, it has been two days since you brought that mystery looking man. Unfortunately for him, his body was engulfed with a deep, long scar decorated on his upper body, his back and his left muscle arm. And as yet, unconsciousness coated his mind.

And these two days, you were staying back hiding in your home, closing all the windows and doors and somehow you feel grateful your house looks like an abandoned and deserted place, no one would ever think that someone lives in that shabby place.

You feel responsible to take him under your care as well. You have a little knowledge on how to treat the injuries but also don't have enough wages to pay the doctors.

In spite of that, the valid reason among all of those were....

..... the growing two red pointy horns on his head.

'As if I can walk in that village with these things stuck in his head! It's obviously that is the white demon the people are chatting about! You idiot! What are you gonna do now?? And like I will leave this thing alone here! What if someone found out about this? Am I gonna be slaughtered by the hunter?? Oh my, I don't want to die a virgin yet!'

You were really acting like an idiot while pulling out your hair, sitting beside the sleeping beauty beast.

Entering the third day, you had to go to the market for your living and basic foodstuffs, also for the treatment. The medicine in your house isn't enough to heal the injury, you had to sell the charcoal to buy those bandages and stuff aside for the foods.

You were praying no one would find the demon in your house and joined him being slaughtered by the demon hunter because you can be accused of being his accomplice because of his injury.

How can you ignore him when you were somehow a daughter of physicians?

Your instinct as a healer yourself was awakened at that time and no matter how you were trying to reject those feelings, itt still haunts your mind.

What a curse.

You walked back to your kitchen, carrying the basin with the towel in it to change the water. His body is in heat and his sweat keeps pouring, wetting the futon.

You never know these demons were no different from humans themselves, being sick, getting injured and sweating buckets. Not until you encounter these mystery demon who are suddenly laying on their front body in the snow. It concerned you more than being paranoid of these said demon. It's really just another creature living in this world, not just human.

Done changing the water, you marched back to the lifeless demon. Kneeling carefully beside him, she takes the towel from his forehead that was almost dry and changes it with the wet towel, putting on his forehead gently as if he was a fragile living creature.

Settling with the towel, you pulled the blanket, covering half of his huge body. Your eyeballs gaze onto his calm but dozing look. Your small hand unconsciously stroked his fluffy white perm in tender, tucking behind the ears.

This is your first time meeting such a good looking beast in your entire life. Usually people describe these demons having a horrible, ugly, evil look but not for this one. He really looks like a normal human.

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