Chapter 1

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3rd POV

Today was supposed to be like any other Sunday. Midoriya, Bakugou and Kaminari were on there way back to the 2-a dorms after spending a long weekend at there parents home. They stopped at the store to get some snacks and gifts to surprise each of their boyfriends with a joint movie date. Not even knowing that soon all of that would come to an end.

Midoriya's POV

Me, Kami and Kat were just now pulling to the dorms after stopping at the store and it was about 5:30 in the afternoon. As we walked in the building we noticed most of the class there except for Todoroki and Sero. When Kat saw his boyfriend, who is Kirishima, he walked over to him and said a quick hey and gave him a hug then left to go to his dorm room. Meanwhile me and Kami went to our own dorm rooms to drop off our stuff.

After dropping off my things I changed into comfortable sweats and a Black tank top. Then started walking over to my boyfriend Todoroki's room to greet him and talk for a bit but when I got to him what I walked in on made me want to kill someone.

3rd POV

When Midoriya got to Todoroki's dorm room he didn't even register he was there before he walked right into the room and what he saw was not a very pleasing sight. What he saw Sero (Kaminari's Boyfriend) balls deep in his own boyfriend. They were so into what they were doing that they didn't even know that he was in the room. So even though Midoriya was pissed off he stayed as quiet as he could and took a picture of what was going on in the room.

He then quietly closed the door and started walking downstairs to the common room still pissed of looking for his two bestfriends. When he got to common room he didn't see them but everyone else excluding Shinso was in there talking about something interesting so he hid and listened to what they were saying. What he heard made him even more pissed off. 

Uraraka said "Hey guys aren't you getting tired of Kaminari, Bakugou and Deku," then he heard Kirishima say "Yea like Kaminari is so stupid and even though he's my boyfriend I'm getting tired of Bakugou being rood to any and everybody, like I'm ready to break up with him." Then to add insult to injury he heard Tsuyu say "Yes, not to mention all Deku ever does is break his bones and cry all the time." 

As they kept talking about the three of them everyone else in the room kept on agreeing with them. Midoriya was so pissed off with his and Kami's boyfriend cheating on them, and then the class talking about them not to mention Kirishima agreeing and talking about his own bf like that, was not ok. So he listened a little more and recorded for the others to here and then went to Bakugou's room.

Kaminari's POV

Me and Kat were both chilling in his room because we couldn't find our bf's in their dorms when all of a sudden a very angry and pissed off looking Izu stormed into the room scaring the crap out of me and Kat. Before I got the chance to ask what the hell was wrong with him Kat beat me to it. " The fuck is wrong with you Zuku?" He didn't even say anything, he just still pissed off opened his phone and showed us a recording that made me angry and Kat want to cry.

I then noticed something and asked Izu another question. " Where are mine and your boyfriend?" You could see him get even more pissed off and he looked at his phone again to show me another picture. Not even a second later I was sitting there crying my eyes out because I didn't think he would ever do that to me after saying he loved me.

Bakugou's POV

Me and Denks were in my room chilling when out of nowhere Zuku entered the room looking pissed off and scaring the shit out of me. I asked him what was wrong but he didn't answer and instead showed a voice recording of the class talking about us but that's not even what made me upset what really made me upset was the fact that my very own boyfriend was also talking about me. Not even paying attention to what was going on around me I started thining and crying my eyes out.

I got so lost in thought that I didn't come back until I felt Zuku sit on the bed next to me and hug me. I didn't even notice Denks was crying as well until we had calmed down enough to ask why. " Denks what made you so upset?" He then answered me in a low whisper and said " Me and Izu's boyfriend cheated on us with each other." That just straight pissed me off so after I made sure me, him and Izu were calmed down I offered for them to sleep in my room and watch movies and cuddle since they were already in there PJ's and go to school together tomorrow and they both agreed.

Izuku's POV

After I seen that Kami was breaking I sat on Kat's bed between both of them and layed down so that they were both hugging me and crying on my chest. I just layed there and thought about everything while they cried. I thought about the fact that I was angry but not as hurt since I didn't exactly love Todoroki but I didn't think he would ever cheat on me. After laying there for a good 10-20 minutes they both calmed down and Kat asked Kami a question. After he answer Kat asked if we wanted to spend the night and go to school together tomorrow and we both said yes.

While Kat was getting more Blankets, Kami was getting the snacks we bought earlier and I was sitting up on the bed trying to find a movie. After choosing the movie IT, even though Kat is scared of scary movies. They both came and layed back down on the bed next to me and we watched the movie.

3rd POV

Halfway through the movie after a bunch of screaming from the jump scares, Kat and Kami were asleep cuddled up to Izuku. So he turned off the movie and also got comfortable and went to sleep not ready for all of the drama that is going to come tomorrow.

Hope you liked the first Chapter don't forget to vote and comment.

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