Chapter 15

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Luke's POV //

"If everything alright?" Me and the boys walked over to outside Ivory's house, her dad still staring at where she had ran off too

"Yeah, yeah it's just.." He paused and looked at the ground, then looked up at me
"She's just had some bad news, private family matter, I'll let her tell you when she's ready" he smiled and went in.

"Okay is it just me or did that not seem right?" Michael questioned
"Yeah, something's off i'll talk to Ivory later" I turned back around and we walked over to my house.

Ivory's POV //

"So it's really happening?" Emilie managed to get out wiping tears off her face
"Yep.." I said back bluntly
"W..when?" She looked up at me
"After Graduation.. I don't know how to tell the others or Luke"
"You're gonna have to tell him, but in your own time for the mean time though, I'll call the girls and you can tell them now" she picked up the phone

I let out a deep breath and sat there for a moment, whilst Emilie called the girls they were within minutes, Gemma and Texas came bursting through the door, crying and sobbing

"What's happening?! Ivory!"
"Okay okay! Calm down and sit down" I felt myself getting worked up, Gemma and Texas took a seat down on Emilie's couch I could see them holding each other's hand, my heart was racing.

"Okay so my dad...he was on the phone to his boss for hours and hours and there was a lot of shouting and him begging and asking for understandings and arrangements but he couldn't break through. So his job has had another relocation, and..." I paused I got choked up and couldn't get my words out.

I saw Texas swallow hard, and it made a tear drop from my eye

"We're...we're moving back to Manhattan..." I looked down, I couldn't look them in the eye, they just sat in silence, and stood up and hugged me, Emilie joined in and we all stood there hugging, the sound of crying raising from our circle

"Are you ever coming back?" Gemma sniffed out as we broke the circle
"Yeah! Ofcourse! I'll come back and see you as soon as I can!" I got hold of her face and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Hey! Don't cry you'll make me cry more!" I laughed, and Gemma smiled

I hugged them all again separately, and sat down, the girls sat down too

"So how are you gonna tell Luke?" Asked Emilie
"I have no idea, I mean I've already cried to him when I thought my dad was moving and he didn't even know what to say then and that was my dad! I'm just so scared about his reaction, and how crushing it could be for him, I love him so fucking much, like I don't even know how I'm gonna do this.."

"Maybe tell him after Graduation.. I mean it is tomorrow so then you can be alone and give him some time to take it all in" Texas suggested

"Yeah...yeah maybe" I sat there for a moment..

"Listen, I gotta go and talk to my family and stuff"
"Yeah we get it..we love you!" They smiled, and I left.

I was walking down the road, to my house and it gave me some time to think about it all. How was I ever going to break the news to Luke? I wouldn't be able to handle looking at his face sad, it made my heart sink.

I walked in and Joey was sat on the sofa, his eyes were red a little puffy.
"You alright?" I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder
"Yeah, I just had to go tell my friends, and even if they are all 'manly' they all cried.."
"Well that's because they're all gonna miss you" he wiped his cheek
"Yeah..yeah.. How did Luke take it?" He looked up at me
"Pfft, Luke...I haven't told him yet, I just, I don't know how I'm going to do it or if I can even look him in the eye" I everted my eyes to the floor
"I'm not gonna lie to you, he won't take it well, but you have to tell him Ivs, he's your boyfriend"
"Yeah, yeah... Alright I'll do it tomorrow, it'll be easier if graduations out of the way"
He smiled at me and I stood up and went upstairs, I had a shower and as I was blowdrying my hair I thought over the whole thing over.

This was going to be one of the hardest things ever, saying goodbye to 3 girls that mean the world to me, 3 guys that mean the world to me, and one guy that means the entire universe to me, how the fuck can I just pack up and get on a plane? They'll all be at the airport and crying and being sad and hugging me and saying they'll miss me, and I can't just cry and turn away and piss off to Manhattan.
I mean okay, it wasn't like when I first came here I knew no one, I would still know my 3 best friends that I kept in touch with, but I wouldn't be the same? I picked up a photo of all of us from my party ages ago, and looked at all of us, I can't believe I wouldn't be able to see these guys for months. It all seemed to crazy, it would just be months of FaceTiming and texting until I could finally fly over to see them..
And what about me and Luke? How would that work? Answer: it wouldn't. It wouldn't work, long distance is the plague of relationships, I couldn't bare that.
But I couldn't bare the thought of not being with him, I was fucking stuck. I felt like I was in a wide ocean and everyone was on a boat far away and I couldn't get to them and there was no way out, I was being pulled further and further down to the bottom.

It felt like I was drowning. It made my heart race and I felt dizzy, I had to sit down, And take a deep breath.

There was no way in hell this would be easy, but like Joey said, I HAVE to tell him.

Detention. || Luke Hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now