Chapter 5

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Ivory's POV //

It had been a rough fucking week, but it was only fucking Thursday. I had had exams all week so luckily I had missed seeing Luke.
I was walking out of math and over to my car, there was someone by my car, I couldn't make out who it was, because of the sun, till I got closer.
It was Michael..

"You alright?" I said, walking over to the car
"Oh hi Ivory, can I have a word" he looked down, why was coming to me though?
"Sure what's on your mind?" He walked over to my side of the car and leaned against it
"Look, I'm not here to force you or anything, and Luke doesn't even know I'm here.. But although he may not look it, he's been really down ever since.. you know. But like I'm not here to tell you to go out with him to spare his feelings.."
"So then why are you here?"
"...I'm here because I know Luke seems like the type of guy who's a complete asshole and ladies man, but he's really not. Yeah sure he dates girls here and there but with you, he's crazy about you, Ivs. He's not being the same Luke I know, and i hate seeing my bestfriend like that, so just think it all over for a while would you? Just you might find that you have feelings for him too.. Just I don't know give it a thought"
I did have feelings for him. But I didn't want my feelings to break his image at school. But Michael had a point.
"Yeah, okay thanks Michael, I like how caring you are over him, I'll definitely think about it"
"Please, call me Mikey" he smiled and walked off.

I sat in my car and thought for a while.
I'd leave it till the end of the week, then Friday I'll make my decision, which was tomorrow.. Shit.
I knew I had to go to the one guy that was brilliant with helping me with boy trouble, my brother Joey, he'd know what to do.

I got home and walked in, my mum and dad were out still at work
"HELLO?" I yelled
"UPSTAIRS" Joey called back
I dropped my bag a ran up the stairs.

I walked along the hall and entered joeys room, he was sat playing his play station
"How come your home so quickly?"
"I left at lunch, had dentist remember?"
I nodded and sat down on his bed, he paused his games and turned to me
"Okay whats up? You usually grab a controller, and you haven't something on your mind?" For a 15 year old, he was clever when it came to people's emotions.

"Okay basically, the other day Luke told me he liked me, a lot. But I said that I couldn't be with him, Because I was worried that people wouldn't accept that we were together, that people would try to break us up, and Mikey came to my car today and was telling me that Luke's really beat up about all of this and he's worried about him, so he asked me If I could think about it all"
"Right.." He paused.
"So you don't want to be with Luke?"
"No I do, but"
"Okay,okay, so you want to be with Luke, but you feel like people would try to break you up?" I nodded.
"Okay, Luke has deep feelings for you, and he's told me. At football, I didn't tell you because I left it to him to tell you, but what i think you should do, is fuck everyone else, and what they think, if he really likes you and you really like him, go for it"
I smiled and hugged him
"Professor Joey to the rescue" he laughed

I left his room and went into mine, he had a point. Why should I be so scared about everyone else? If Luke does have these 'really strong feelings' for me, then nobody should come between us, he wouldn't let people.
I picked up my phone and texted Luke.

Luke's POV //

I had a text from Ivory

'Can you meet me by my car after school?'

What did she want? Had she thought about this all? WAS IT GOOD NEWS?
Well that put me in a good mood.

'Ivs wants to talk to me tomorrow, stand by her car because if it's good news I need my lads'. I sent it to Ash, Mikey and Cal, they were rooting for me, only fair to let them in on everything, I really hope Ivory says what I think she's going to say.

There was a knock on my door,
I ran down stairs to open it, it was Joey.
"You alright mate?" He looked up at me, he looked out of breath, he was panting.
I stepped aside and gestured him to enter my house, he walked in, swallowed hard and caught his breath
"It's about ivory"
"What? Is she okay?" My heart started to race
"Yeah yeah she's fine! It's just she came to me about you, she likes you a lot Luke she wants to be with you, but she's scared, she's scared of what people will think, she said that Michael really made her think, and then she came to me, and she's at home now thinking about it"
I stopped there for a moment,
"I get it.. She said she wants to talk to me tomorr... Wait, what did Mikey say?"
"I don't know, something about how You really like her, and he doesn't want to see his mate hurt, so"
"Oh right, yeah. Thanks though Jo see you at Practise tomorrow yeah?"
"Yeah man!" And then he left.
And I had no idea Mikey had spoken to Ivory..

'Hey man, cheers for looking at for me, and talking to Ivs, she's gonna talk to me tomorrow so.. Fingers crossed'
I had to thank Mikey for looking out for me, even though I kinda I wish he hadn't, I'm glad he did other wise maybe Ivory might not want to talk to me tomorrow.

Huh, I'm scared as to what Ivory's gonna say, I'm just hoping so bad that it's about me and her, and it's a good thing...
Please be a good thing.

Detention. || Luke Hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now