Stryker and the chieftess were lounging one some chairs in her house as they go over the plans on how to go about the hunters. "You technically are the true chief." Fiona said, "If you go back and demand it, you could stop the hunting."

He shook his head, "Not probable. This has been going on for thousands of generations. I'd rather try and find my mother's family." he said that last part sarcastically, earning a small hit over the back of his head from Fiona, "Hey!"

She scowled down at him, "That's no way to speak about family! I wish I still had mine around for Kio to meet." she sighed sadly and leaned back heavily, "He would've loved my younger brothers..." Jui, her dark brown snapper, cooed and rubbed against her, "Well, let's go. You know the most about dragons. Time to teach these kids things they don't know if they're going to get anywhere in life."

"Agreed." Stryker replied, standing up, "Thank you for your hospitality. I truly didn't mean for them to get dragged between me and my mule headed brothers."

She patted his shoulder, "You must understand that we normally don't accept strangers into our society. Especially Bloodbones. But," she smiled down at him, "You've shown us that we can't simply judge someone based on who they're related to." With that the two walked out and headed towards the arena where those who rode Snappers were gathering for their lessons. Stryker could only do so much at once, so there was a schedule created. Morning to Noon on Mondays and Thursday, was Snappers. Noon to evening on the same day was SeaWings. Morning to noon on Wednesdays and Fridays, was Jinxes. Noon to evening was Sparks. And so on and on.

When he wasn't teaching them about their dragons, he was either in the forges helping create stronger and better weapons, or he was studying the arrow that had poisoned Thunder. The only ones who knew of such poison were him and his mother's people. He was left to wonder if the dragon shifters had sided with the hunters.

He groaned and flopped back onto the nest Thunder had made. It consisted of furs, some loose scales, and twigs. Brother? Thunder peered over from his fish to stare at him. What's wrong, Stryker? I haven't seen you this stressed since the first time we had to deal with Shrieker mating season.

They both shuddered at the memory that was brought up.'s just that the poison could only come from Shifter Island. I'm worried that my mother's family might have sided with the hunters and gave this to them. Or that...he didn't dare finish his sentence as he cradled his head in his hands.

It's okay. Thunder cooed softly, wrapping a wing around him. We'll get through this together. He purred softly, knowing that the deep rumbles would help sooth his brother in soul. They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying eachothers company. Now. What're we going to do?

Stryker sighed, standing up. The only thing we can do.

Which is?

It's time for a family reunion.


Much to the displeasure of the riders, Stryker had told them his plan, "I'm sorry, Fiona. I know that I am needed here. But the poison is bothering me. I need to find out how it got into the hands of the hunters."

Fiona nodded her head in understanding, "I get it. I would be doing the same too. It's not much, but here." she handed him a newly made sword, "For you." it was a silvery green and had jagged edges like dragon teeth. The hilt was fitted with black leather and red cords and had strange yellow gems around the base as well.

"Thank you FIona. Here. This is my journal on all the species I've encountered." he handed her a small, yet thick book. "I'll do my best to return quickly." With that, he bid his farewell to the riders, mounted Thunder. And they took off into the sky.

--- Bloodbone---

Tyker stared angrily around his office. Tapestries, tables, maps and whatnot were thrown around the floor from his fit of rage. He was bested by some children and a man who he was very convinced was their eldest brother. Myrker peered inside, "Tyker? was your first tantrum?" he glared at him, "So, you're still angry. Good. Cause I think you'll want this."

He held up an all too familiar book. It may have been very worn, but Tyker could recognize it as Styrker's. "How...where did you get that?"

"Fell off of the Mimic Rider. I believe we know where our brother's been."

Tyker took it from him and began flipping through the pages of the diary. He chuckled, looking over all the information on new species of dragons and where to find them, "Myrker, look at this." he handed the book back, and showed him all the eway at the bottom of the last page, " 'Signed, Stryker Adhira Bloodbone.' "

"And look at that. A map that leads to Dragon Shifter Island." Myrker traced the map with his finger, "Let's go pay our estranged family a visit."

Tyker nodded, taking the book back and reading through it more in depth, "Very well. Tell the men to prepare. I will scrounge up as much information one the island as possible." still not looking up, even as his brother left, he continued to read throughout the eldest findings. Stopping when he came across something that made his heart drop:

And to my dearest younger brothers, I do not hold what happened against you. It's the misinformation that society has given us over the years. Dragons are not our enemies. They are more like us than we even know. In fact, I have gotten to know a good few of them. We live in harmony on our island. Working together to ensure safety and shelter for those who ask for it. Our few visitors were anxious to be around the dragons, but they soon grew on them and constantly came to visit. I just wish everyone else could see dragons the way I do. They're our allies. Our friends. Our family.

He stared at the passage, contemplating what he should do next. He was aware that Stryker had wanted them to leave on a dragon, but he didn't remember that day. His mind raced as he tried to get a grip on it all. Taking a deep breath, he turned to an earlier excerpt, marked for two years ago, and began to read.

I discovered something very interesting today. I had decided to go back to Bloodbone Island. Just to visit mothers grave. I didn't know if it was being taken care of. Me and ThunderHeart landed in the ocean a few miles away and traveled underwater to avoid unnecessary attention. We arrived at the base of the cliff and entered the cave where all chiefs and their partners' statues are kept.

I was beyond shocked to not only see father's, but mother's statues were very well kept. Their favorite meals and flowers placed around them. Had Myrker and Tyker been taking care of it? I sat there for as long as the tide would allow it. But I had to leave. I couldn't stay forever.

I wish mom were here. She'd know how to get Myrker and Tyker to come to Dragon's Isle.

Tyker placed the journal down. He had always known that Stryker wrote like this, seeing his most read books were the journals left behind by him. But, he had no idea of how much his brother had changed in the past 25 years. Maybe he's right about dragons. He quickly scolded himself for such a thought. He knew that reading through this journal would help him see through Stryker's eyes. Be able to predict his movements. Just like how he predicted using the Nightshade on his dragon would help lead them to Dragon Shifter Island. SIghing, he put his head in his hands, "Where will this lead us?"

"To end this war." he looked up and smiled as he saw his dearest friend, "Ty, you need a break. Come on." the young woman with raven hair grabbed his hand and pulled him up from his seat, "I know, I know. Loads of work, but you're leaving soon and I'm going to miss you." she took his hand and placed it on her stomach, "We're going to miss you."

His form relaxed as he held onto her, "You're right. You're always right." she laughed, "Let's go for a walk. I don't know how long it'll be till I'm back."

She tightened her grip on his hand, "As long as you come back alive. I'm happy." she laughed and hugged him as close as she could, "Be safe, my love. I don't want you to miss the birth of our child."

He pressed his forehead against hers, "I will do my best. Promise."

They stood like for a few minutes, enjoying the other's warmth. For a moment they forgot about dragons, and missing brothers, and Tyker's mission. For a moment, they were just an expecting couple madly in love.

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