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Five hours later, they neared the island. Both Myrker and Tyker were furious. They've lost ten boats to the mist, five to the rocks, and another fifteen to an onslaught of dragons. But, it was a necessary loss as they stared up at the island. Suddenly they covered their ears as the shrieks of Shriekers filled the air, "Guards..." Tyker grumbled with pure hatred. He made a signal for the archers to shoot them down. Soone it fell quiet, even the sounds of the hundreds of dragons inside the mountains went quiet.

Suddenly a whistling sound was heard, "MIMICKER!!" screams resounded as a boat was immediately blown to bits. Stryker was beyond pissed. After all these years, now they decided to raid his home?

He spotted his two younger brothers, but it didn't fully register who they were. He spent his whole life with dragons. And in his rage, he was far from human. He became one of them to protect them. He growled inhumanly, jumped and landed one Tyker. He let out another inhuman call, and viciously attacked, "How dare you!" Myrker yelled, grabbing Stryker and attempting to pull him off, "Get off of my brother!"

Stryker growled, but then his eyes softened when he saw the ring on Myrker's ring, "You got married?"

"That isn't any of your concern!" Stryker yelped and rolled out of the way off the two swords that were lifted towards him.

"Adhira!" Pike yelled from his dragon, a dark green that spit acidic poison, "We need to retreat! There's just too many!"

Stryke jumped off the railing of the ship and onto ThunderHeart, and they quickly flew off to the mountain. Stryke let out dragon-like sounds as he commanded the dragons to start leaving, directing them in the direction of the riders island. Come on! We can't let them get to the caverns!

I know that, Thunder! Stryker growled back, patting his side. We don't have the time to collect anything...we have to blow it... Stryker saw five Snappers and called out to them. Can you guys release gas into the caverns? I'll light it once everyone gets out!

Of course, Stryker. They flew to respective areas and began filling it up. Stryker raced inside and grabbed his sword and armor, taking as many of his journals and maps that he could fit into his satchel before racing out to Thunder. Sorry, Stryker, THunder! But we have to go now!

We're coming! The two yelled together as they raced out of there, the remaining dragon hot on their heels. Tears pricked at Stryker's eyes as he stared at what has been his home for the past twenty years, "Goodbye..." he whispered, dropping a match into the cavern. He quickly flew over to the other riders, who were luckily, still in the air, "We have to go now-" he let out a scream as an arrow embedded itself into his leg and Thunder's side. Thunder let out a screech as he began to plummet.

"Shit! Adhira!" Jynu yelled, angling her dragon down to catch them. The others quickly had their dragons grab other areas of Thunder and they did their best to fly away into the clouds and towards their home.


Stryker groaned out in pain. Slowly opening his eyes and seeing an unfamiliar ceiling. What? He whispered. Where am I? Thunder? Stones? He groaned as he struggled to sit up, noticing his peg leg had been removed. Ugh. Where's my leg?!

Here. He turned to see Kio's dragon. A beautiful Jinx with blue and green swirls all over her grey body. She held a peg leg in her mouth that had a much different craftsmanship than his original one. The other fell off when the arrow hit you. We didn't get to go back for it.

Stryker smiled, and reached out to rub her head. That's okay. What's your name?


Well, Sky, think you can help me up? He asked after placing the foriegn legion. I haven't had one like this and, well my leg is injured...

She moved over to his side to allow him to lean on her. Of course. Also, ThunderHeart is okay. The healer managed to extract the poison. He's just sleeping. I offered to watch over you.

He laughed. Always sleeping that one. And thank you, Sky. With that they slowly moved outside of the cabin to where Stryker saw his and the rider's dragons mingling. A vast majority of the riders looked slightly annoyed at the large amount of dragons. Stryker practically jumped when he saw some very familiar dragons. Stones! WindRush!

The two shriekers turned to look at their friend and let out squeals of excitement, running over. Stryker! Stryker! They chanted.

The three excitedly chattered in the language of dragons. Stryker eventually looked up from his hugs with the smaller dragons to see the riders staring in shock, "What?" he asked, a strange accent on his voice, "Never spoke dragon before?"

He was then knocked over by six kids practically jumping him. A mixture of, 'Stryker are you okay?!" "Oh my gods, Adhira I thought you were dead!" "Rider, you're okay!!"

"Children!" came a woman's voice, "Please, let go of our guest. He's still healing." The kids reluctantly let Stryker go from their hold, but still stood near him. Stryker stared up at the woman who he instantly knew was the chief. He noticed that she and Kio looked alike. THe same pale skin, with dark freckles, the same dark brown hair, hers was pulled back in two very long braids, and the same grey eyes. Except hers looked like a storm as she studied him, "Stryker Horrorsome Bloodbone."

He winced at the sound of Bloodbone, "Um, actually it's Rider not Bloodbone..." he trailed off at the pure venom in her eyes, "Um, sorry, ma'am. I'm listening."

She glared down at him, "Your family has been the most absolute pain in my ass. Hunting down our children, shooting them out of the sky, killing our dragons. And you, you have the nerve to not only get them shot at, but drag them into a sibling rivalry?!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know-"

"I'm still speaking!" she yelled. Shutting him up instantly, "The only reason you're alive is because these six begged and vouched for your life. I personally would have cut your head off, rip your innards out, and send you back to your brothers!" Stryker had lowered his head, and avoided her gaze. Something the dragons do whenever he scolds them, "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?!"

"I...I didn't want this to happen. Their dragons were tired. I just offered them some shelter. I honestly thought the hunters would never find us...They're amazing kids." the area stayed in silence for a moment, "Where's my friend?"


"ThunderHeart. My friend." at the sound of his name, the golden dragon came bounding through. Brother! Stryker screeched excitedly, reaching out his arms and face planting into Thunder's face. You're okay!

So are you! I was worried about your leg but then they made this new one for you and it has all these cool gears. Oh, oh! I got your sword! Everyone looked on in disgust as Thunder threw up Strykers sword.

"Thunder...wow, uh, thanks...for that, demonstration..." Jynu whispered, as she watched Stryker pick up the slavia covered sword in one hand, attempting to wipe the spit off.

"So, uh, how long will it be till I can leave? I have to rebuild Dragon's Isle- "

"Why do you want to leave? You just woke up!" the chieftess yelled, "You need to rest."

Stryker sighed, painfully readjusting his legs, "I know, but these dragons rely on the sanctuary. I need to go back, reclaim it, and rebuild. Otherwise, there won't be a place for them to call home. Somewhere safe."

"Herkly is safe."

"You were attacked by hunters. Yeah, I know. The kids told me." he said, gesturing to the group of six children, attempting to walk away, "They're good kids. Most fun conversations I have ever had in my thirty-one years of life."

The chieftess sighed, "Very well. But you will not be leaving until our healer says so. She can be very persuasive."

Said healer popped up, violently grabbed Stryker's arm, and dragged him to a chair, "Whoa! Okay, lady! I'm coming!"

Brothers ThreeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ