Chapter 4- A Late Visit

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"Mi vida..."


I opened my eyes. It was dim in my room. I looked up and saw a roof full of stars. Then I realized it was glass, protecting me from the night. The stars shimmered, the moon hiding in the corner. Zodiac constellations ran around the room.

He looked so tired. His green eyes sparkled in the light. His hair was speckled with gray.

"Hi, sweetheart." I opened my mouth, but he held a finger to his lips. "Don't shout. Please."

"Bruno, what are you doing here?" I hissed. "You disappeared!"

"It's okay now," Bruno assured me. "I'm right here."

I hugged him tightly. My best friend, after all this time, was here. A few tears came out as Bruno pulled away. He smiled weakly, running a hand over my face to wipe away the tears. It was him. It wasn't my imagination.

"I can't stay," Bruno whispered.

"Please," I begged, grabbing onto his arms to hold him. "I just got you back."

"Your powers." Bruno made me look up at the sky. "They're almost like mine. Except you rely on the stars to tell the future."

"I don't have powers," I said, confused.

"You do now." Bruno said. He kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep-"

"I said, stay," I breathed, stopping him again.

"I can't-"

"Yes, you can. Abuela won't pay any attention to me tomorrow, since all the focus is still going to be on Antonio," I argued.

Bruno laid on my bed, refusing to move under the covers until I covered him myself. Bruno held me in a hug as I fell asleep, my face to his chest. It was just like all those years ago.

"Sh! Mama's going to hear you!" Bruno hissed as we rushed up to his room.

"Bruno, she doesn't have super hearing," I said, rolling my eyes. "She's not going to hear us behind a closed door and halfway up the stairs."

"You never know, mi reina," Bruno said, making me blush.

I woke up the next morning in a happy daze. Memories of our childhood filled my dreams. I then realized Bruno wasn't there. But the sheets smelled like him. Was it a dream, and the scent a part of my imagination?

I figured it was as I got out of bed.

My wardrobe was a lot of galaxy colors, with a hint of green. I chose the dress that swept my ankles, but didn't touch it. The layers were decorated with stars and constellations. I clipped the left side of my hair with a pin that had the (y/z/s) constellation on it.

Every single piece of clothing in the wardrobe matched with the ruana that hid in my bag. I even threw it on over my dress to experiment. It made me feel warm and fuzzy, but also looked great with the dress.

"Tia-" Mirabel stopped when she saw me.

I turned and threw off the ruana. I tried to be calm as I threw it to the side and stood in front of her awkwardly. "Hey, Mira."

"Is that...?" Mirabel walked over and picked up the ruana. "When did he give you this?"

"A long, long time ago, Mirabel." I sighed, sitting down on my bed. "We were almost adults. I had to go visit distant familia in another town. I was going to be gone for almost a month, and he gave it to me to keep me warm."

"You look pretty, Tia." Mirabel took my hand and pulled me up. "Now, come on. Our familia is waiting for us."

Mirabel went to talk to Delores. I looked over just as Felix said, "Camilo! Stop pretending to be Delores so you can have seconds!"

Camilo shifted back, making me giggle. "Worth a shot." The casita hit him twice, making him let out little squeaks.

"There we go." Luisa set down the table while carrying her full plate.

"Everyone! To the table. You too, (Y/n). Let's go, let's go," Senora Madrigal said.


"Family. We are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful new... gift." Senora Madrigal stopped when animals were sitting in the chair.

"I told them to warm up your seat." Antonio smiled cutely.

"Thank you, Tonito," Senora Madrigal said warmly. "I'm sure today we'll find a way to put your blessing to good use..."

I tuned out. Abuela wasn't saying anything about me. I don't think she knew I had powers. My hair fell to my face, and I noticed it was glittering like stars. It looked so pretty, considering my hair used to look dead and gray.

We were dismissed. I stayed in my room. The sky was blue, not showing the stars like before. I laid there until I heard someone opening a creaky door. A creaky door that hadn't been opened for a decade.

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