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Delilah walked alongside Dani and Tess, a girl Dani was currently seeing.

"The closer exam week gets, the more anxious I feel," Del brought up, "I should've paid more attention in class and made better notes."

Dani turned away from her conversation with Tess, "if you're really stressed out about it, I can help you study. It's one of my favourite pass times."

"That is such a Dani thing to say," Tess laughed.

Del gave her roommate and grateful smile, "that would be amazing and I will definitely take you up on that." All three of the girls' phones pinged with an email notification informing them that the deadline for classes next semester is the day after.

Del shoved her phone back in her pocket, "how do they expect us to study for exams and worry about choosing classes for next semester all at once?" she groaned.

"You haven't created your schedule for next semester yet?" Dani asked, "that means all the early morning classes will be left."

Del's shoulders suddenly felt heavy, "how do you stay on top of things? It's so hectic."

Dani put her arm around her friend's shoulders, "I'll help you."

The three girls were about to walk into one of the campus buildings when a guy held the door open for them.

"Hey Del," he smiled.

Dani and Tess walked through the door first, Dani looking back with a curious expression before Tess pull her along.

"How's it going, Nick? Ready for exams?" Del asked as she walked through the door, Nick following behind.

He laughed, "not even a little bit. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to study for exams together."

Delilah couldn't help but laugh, "I'm quite possibly the worst person to ask," they caught up with Dani and Tess who to the best of their abilities, tried not to eavesdrop. "I'm actually getting help from Dani, she's an absolute godsend when it comes to notes and studying. Maybe we can set up a study group?"

Nick scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously, "that was actually an excuse to just hang out with you, I didn't have the guts to ask you out point-blank."

Del's eyebrows shot up in surprise as Dani tried to suppress a laugh, "oh," she said slowly trying to find the words to let him down gently, "I'm really flattered, Nick but I'm in a relationship." She held up her phone showing her lock screen of her and Jason on their most recent anniversary.

Nick's eyes went wide, "oh sorry, I didn't know."

Delilah laughed off the awkward encounter, "don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean any harm. I'll see you in class later?"

"Yeah," he laughed awkwardly, "listen sorry about that, I really didn't know."

He continued apologizing but Delilah waved it off, "don't worry about it. That offer to study with Dani and me is still open, you're more than welcome to join us."

"I shouldn't, I think I've embarrassed myself enough. You won't hold this against me, right?" He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "depends if we have another class next semester and I need you to take notes for me again." They both shared an awkward laugh before he walked away towards the study quads.

Delilah blew out a breath and joined Dani and Tess, "that was awkward."

"You made it awkward, Delilah," Tess rolled her eyes, "he was cute, I would've gone out with him."

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