Thunder and Friends

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Littles: Karl, Quackity, and George

Caregivers: Dream and Sapnap

Tw: accident, loud thunder, pull-up (no use for it tho)

IRL or Minecraft: IRL

Relationships: DNF and Karlnapity

Summary: Sapnap and his littles went over to Dream and George's house for a play date. While they were there it starts the rain. The littles get scared of the thunder and get comforted by their caregivers. 


"Karl, Quackity you guys ready?" Sapnap yelled. The littles came running down from their playroom. They had one toy each they could take to their playdate. 

"Yeah, dada," Karl tells his caregiver. 

"Yup," Quackity says. Karl was bringing his stuffed bunny, and Quackity was bringing his stuffed duck. The 2 littles were so excited. They were going to see their best friends George and Dream. George was little right now so Dream invited them over. Sapnap obviously said yes. 

"Ok little ones let's get in the car" Sapnap escorted the littles to the car. He made sure they were buckled in and then he started driving. Karl and Quackity were both in the backseat so they started playing with their stuffies together. Karl looked out the window and he saw the sun go away by the clouds. Karl didn't like that the sun went away. The dark sky seemed scary to him. Quackity didn't really know why the sun went away. 

"Dada why da sun go way," Quackity asked Sapnap. 

"Because it might rain soon," Sapnap told the little. Quackity's eyes went wide. Karl noticed and he rubbed small circles on his hand. Quackity calmed down after a minute. Soon they pulled up to a driveway. Sapnap turned and faced the littles. 

"Ok, who's ready to have some fun?" Sapnap asked them. Both boys nodded their heads. They all got out of the car and went to the front door. Sapnap knocked on the door and Dream opened it. 

"Hey what's up!" Dream brought Sapnap onto a hug. After they let go Karl and Quackity run and hug Dream. 

"Hey little ones, George is very excited to play with you guys," Dream told the littles. 

"Cwan we sees Gogy pwease," Quackity asks Dream. 

"Of course sweet pea he's just inside," Dream tells him. Both littles run inside and see their best friend in the living room. 

"GOGY" They both yell. George turned and saw both of them. He had a purple paci in his mouth with a bunny stuffie. 

"Q, Kawl!!" George yelled in reply, though it was muffled by the paci. Quackity and Karl run over to George and hug him. They did a small handshake they made up. It was sloppy but it was cute. 

"I weally wike chu bunny Gogy" Karl told him. 

"Fank chu" George told Karl. Sapnap and Dream came inside to the littles getting along well. 

"Hey little ones do you want to to the playroom and play with toys?" Dream asked them. They all nodded their heads yes and Dream led them to the room. Karl and Quackity's eyes went wide to see how many toys George had. 

"Dada wook how many toys Gogy has!" Quackity told Sapnap. Sapnap nodded his head yes. They all went in and grabbed toys galore.

They played dress-up, cars, stuffies, and restaurant. Dream and Sapnap were downstairs talking. Catching up with things in life. The littles were upstairs having loads of fun. They were in the middle of playing dress-up. Karl was a princess, Quackity was the Prince, and George was the dragon. Then they heard...


Thunder was hitting the ground. Scaring the littles mad. The littles huddled up together.

"No wike da noises," Karl told the other two. Quackity looked outside to see that it was raining super hard. Another bundle of thunder came. The littles were on the verge of tears. Then the third bundle of thunder came. Squeaks and tears were coming from all the little ones. It wasn't until George screamed "PAPA" that the caregivers knew how scared the littles were. 

The caregivers raced upstairs to the playroom. The door shot open. Dream and Sapnap saw how scared the littles looks. 

"Oh Honey" Dream said. He went to George and picked him up. George hid his face in Dream's shoulder. 

"Loud noise scary" George whispered to Dream. 

"I know honey shhh" Dream comforted George. Sapnap went to his two littles. Karl went to him and hid his face in Sapnap's chest hugging him close. As for Quackity, he was a little embarrassed. 

"Q come here baby," Sapnap told Quackity. Quackity shook his head no. This confused Sapnap. Then Sapnap saw the wet patch on Quackity's crouch area. 

"Oh Q" Sapnap sighed. Sapnap went to Quackity. 

"It's ok Prince it happens to all of us. No need to be embarrassed" Sapnap told the little. Karl was still hugging Sapnap trying to get him to hold him.

"Hold on Karl, Dada hold you in a minute," Sapnap told him. 

"Hey Dream do you have any clothes Quackity can borrow, he kinda had an accident," Sapnap asked Dream. 

"Yeah, of course, Thunder probably scared him a lot" Dream told Sapanp. Dream went to his room with George in his hands. Sapnap helped his littles take off their costumes. 

"Karl honey do you think you can go downstairs and grab the bag dada packed?" Karl looked hesitant but agreed. Soon Karl came back with the bag Sapnap packed. He packed everything you could need, except extra clothes. He took off all the dirty clothes. Made sure to close his eyes for private reasons. He made sure to wipe Quackity down with wipes eyes closed. Then he put on a pull-up. 

Dream came back with sweatpants and a GNF 404 T-shirt. Sapnap put those on him. Quackity was much more comfortable now. They all went downstairs and watch some Blue's Clues until the rain stopped. 

A/n: Hello it's been a while. School has been really stressful. I had 4 tests last week and I've been busy studying. But this week has been better. I'm online so it's kinda hard. I hopefully am getting back on track. I've been trying to write. I started this one about 2-3 weeks ago. I just get really tired and have no energy. But I'm trying to get back on track. AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 1k reads. CRAZY PEOPLE YOU ARE. I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening. LOVE CHU!!!

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