Redeeming my Biggest Regret

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Kiyo POV

The day was September 1st, why is that important? Well, to some it's another day, but for me it is a chance to fix my past mistakes. You see, my Introduction in ANHS was rather... lackluster. But today, I can make up for it

It was currently 8:00am, and i let my room to be greeted by 5 familiar faces

Nino- "Finally, someone. We can finally leave"

Kiyo- "Did you all wait for me?" I looked at the 5, 4 of them smiling back at me. NIno looked away, blushing?

Nino- "No..."

Yotsuba- "YUP, it's your first day, and we wanted to show you around the school" pure as gold Yotsuba, never change

We started walking to school, talking about trivial things, until we arrived. We saw the security guard looking at me, and the Quints quickly covered my face, and hurried me into the building

Ichika- "hahaha, i can't believe you actually managed to convince him with your story"

Miku- "yeah, but you did manage to actually seem distressed. That must have been hard" they all were giggling at my antics yesterday... they do realize it was so they could pass the Exam, right?

Speaker- "Nakano sister and Ayanokoji to the office. I repeat Nakano sisters and Ayanokoji to the Office please" what was that about?

Itsuki- "eh? What did we do?" She looked at us for ideas. But we simply shook are heads, confused as she was, and went to the office

Principle- "they you all are. Please, take a seat" we did as he said, and once we were all seated, he continued

"Anyway. This has to do with you 6 and your classes. You all will be attending the same classes until your third year. Just follow Itsuki, as she will be having the same classes as before, just you 5 will be joining her"

Ichika- "why so sudden? What if her class is behind or ahead of ares?" That was a good question, it is impossible for a normal high school to be able to have the lessons to always be in unison. Some Classes are going to know more than others, and go through lessons faster

Principle- "you don't have to worry. Even if you are behind or ahead, you should be able to adapt accordingly. I am sorry for the sudden change, but it was not up to me" that was interesting

Kiyo- "and who exactly was this up to?" i asked, seeing if he will let out any important information

Principle- "it was the school board's decision. I am sorry, but I can't say anything else. Now then, classes are about to start, so please go to your new classes" why is this happening? I know it can't be a coincidence, cause this coincidence is rather odd. I understand if I was put into one of their classes, but all of us? Mr.Nakano is obviously behind this, but what is he up to? I'm going to have look into this

We made it to class, and took our seats. I was seated on the row closest to the door, in the third row. There were 24 students including me. I was looking around, and saw that everyone looked rather bored or sad. Probably because their 40 day vacation was over. Are teacher walked in and started the day

Yui-senpai- "welcome back class. Did you all enjoy your summer vacation?" she asked, which was received by silence



Yui-senpai- "come on guys. I know that you miss summer vacation, but school can be just as fun"

???- "I agree. Studying is the best pass time" everyone turned around to look at the person that said that. The guy immediately saw that he was an outcast, but instead of hiding, he just pulled some study notes out and started... studying

The Quintessential EliteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora