Chunin Exams

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A month has passed since the mission to Yuki no Kuni and the chunin exams that will be held in Konoha is just right around the corner 2 weeks away and all the villages that will be participating are currently in the process of choosing representatives for the said exams.

The hokage's office

Assembled in the hokage's office are Chunins, Tokubetsu Jonins, Jonins, Elite Jonins (including the neo Densetsu no Sannin) and one of the original Sannin looking at the hokage alongside the former hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the jonin commander. There were whisperings and murmuring among the Ninjas in the office until the hokage decided to cough to get their attention.

"As you all know the chunin exams are just 2 weeks away and so we want to know are you going to nominate your teams?" Tsunade asked.

But let me remind you that will be looking into your teams records and see if they really deserved a shot at being promoted now let us begin.

"I nominate Team 10 compose of Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino and Akimichi Choji as I deemed them ready for the Chunin Exams." Said a tall man, with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard. His clothing consisted of the standard Konoha ninja uniform with the sleeves rolled up half way, flak jacket, regular shinobi sandals and hitai-ate. He also wore a sash that had the kanji for "Fire" (火) marked on it around his waist, a pair of black bangles, and bandages wrapped around the arms of his sleeves.

All look at the man with shock in their faces because he is sending his team which only turned genin 3 months ago.

The hokage just sighed in annoyance but as team records go they are quite strong and eligible enough to participate but Tsunade knew that some of them aren't even bloodied yet.

She then asked herself "Why are the rookie's senseis even think that they (their respective teams) should participate."

Her musing was broken when Fuko asked the Jonin sensei of team 10 some questions and declaration.

"Asuma san is your team really ready for the exams as I heard that Iwa and Oto are participating in the exams and according to Intel they are being given orders to kill every enemy ninja on sight in the 2nd part?" She asked the Jonin now known as Sarutobi Asuma.

"As for my team they will not join the chunin exams even if some civilians are pressuring me to let them join and knowing a snake pedophile is after one of my genin for his eyes so they will not participate." She declared.

Then another jonin sensei nominate her rookie team seemingly undeterred by the threats of Iwa and Oto.

"I nominate Team 8 composed of Hyuga jHinata, Aburame Shino, and Inuzuka Kiba as I also deemed them ready for the exams " said a fair-skinned woman of slender build. She has long black untamed hair reaching her upper back, and very unique eyes that are red in colour, with an additional ring in them. She wears make-up consisting of red lipstick and purple eye shadow. Her regular outfit consists of a red mesh armour blouse with only the right sleeve visible. Overall, this is very broad material which resembles bandages with a pattern on it similar to those of rose thorns. Her hands and upper thighs are also wrapped in bandages and she wears the Konoha hitae-ate and regular shinobi sandals.

Fuko just sighed in annoyance.

Murmuring were heard after the two rookie teams nominations while the neo Sannin were looking at the hokage.

The hokage then cough to stop the murmurs in the room. "It seems you are really confident that your team will dominate the chunin exams eh how about a wager then I'll allow your teams nominations but I want a minimum of 2 genins from each of your teams to make it to the finals but if 2 genins from each of your teams doesn't make it to the finals of the chunin exams then your team will have to do 1000 D ranks each regardless of the one who made it gets promoted or not before any higher rank missions be given to you and your team after the chunin exams is done. Is that understood?"

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