Chapter 26 - Sweet Kylian

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I slowly set my body on the couch as I see Kylian walk towards the big screen to set up the gameplay. Kylian crouched down to the lower cabinet under the screen and start to search for something. 

He began to rummage inside the cabinet and started to take out some wires and cables. 

"There you are" 

He takes 3 consoles out of the cabinet. 2 black and 1 white console. He turns around at me while showing those 3.

"Which one do you want?" He waved the white and black one at me.

"Does they have any differences?" 

Yeah, does it have any difference if I use either one?. Besides the color. 

"Right. Here use this one" He handed me the white console. 

"S-sure" I struggled to grab the console from him but I manage to take it. 

He continues to put his focus on the big screen again. He taps on the remote near him. The screen suddenly displayed a bunch of games on the screen. I eagerly hold the console and put my eyes on the screen, really excited for a first-timer like me. My eyes went all over the screen as Kylian controlled it. 

Kylian started to switch to the console that he is holding now to control the big screen. I am stunned with the joy. That is very cool. He just controls it with his console, how marvelous. My whole mouth jaw is dropping in excitement. 

"Alright, all is set, baby. Now try to move-" 

He turns his face towards me. I turn to him.

"What are you so excited about?" He stands up and sits on the sofa next to me.

"I j-just. It's just. It's my first time playing this kind of game"

What? I share all of my thoughts. All of my excitement. I almost drooled just looking at the screen. He let out a chuckle. 

But he wanted to say something before. What is it? Did I miss something?

"Kylian?" I move my console towards him and let him get it done for me. 

"Yeah, here. Try to push this button down here slightly to the left" He grab the console and try to guide my finger to work on it. 

Then started to appear a few options of setting on the screen right after I push the button as he told me to. I guess it worked then. 

"There. It is working. That is how you move on the screen" 


"Come on. One last match. I swear I will go easy on you" 

For the hundredth time he said that and still, I am the one who is on the losing team. He said that I am getting better and better with every game. As he quotes, things need practice. He always laughs at me for being the loser at this game. He will laugh like a maniac and do his ridiculous celebration. I told you it was hideous.

Not going to lie. At least for once, I want to beat him at this game. 

"Kylian, it is hard for me to even get the ball from your team" 

I am whining as he started to press the button to continue on the screen. Almost made me sulk at the moment.

"Baby, please. For the last time" 

I grip hard the console as I hear the word he just called me. 

"Are you down? I am going to kick off" He looks at me with a big grin.

Hurt (18+) | Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now