Vacation - Dylan (cute) pt.1

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   In this Imagine you and Dylan are couple for two year. You are very popular actress and a singer. You finished your 3rd album four months ago. You were really happy, because that you wanted to be free for months with your favorite boyfriend. For over two months you've been free. Being free for two months made you sick, so you start searching for a new role.

"Ughh..." I went in home really angry!
"Are you okay baby?" asked Dylan.
"Do I look like I'm OK?" I asked.
"No!" answered Dylan, not happily.
"I can't get. It was never hard getting a role. On the contrary, everyone wanted me and now." I was on the edge to start crying.
"So they told you "No" like previous 9?" He asked.
"No, they...they didn't tell me something. But I know that they will tell me no, because that I was really nervous. I've never been nervous." I told him and then I started crying.
He hugged me and then told me: "Don't worry, they will call you and will tell you that they need you. I believe in you Y/N/N."
"Oh...thank you so much sweetheart! I love you!" I said.
"I love you more!" he said and kissed me! It was really passionately. I can tell you that it was from love. I love him so much and I don't know what should happen that I to start hating him. No! I can't even think about it. Never! He is the best for me and I'm really happy, because that I have him. I don't know how my life would go, if I would be single and without Dylan. He is always supporting me. He's funny, cute and excellent.

   Then we went in the kitchen.
"Okay! Now let's talk about our vacation. While you will get that role, we can have a vacation." he said and then I started making dinner.
"hmmm....I don't know! Like where do you want we to go?" I asked.
"I don't know and that's why I am asking you." he said. I turned around so I was facing Dylan.
 "Okay...In California then, I'm not on other countries visiting mood. Let's go in Los Angeles, I will visit Ariana in there, too. We haven't met each other for two months, and I'll be more close to New York. What if I'll get my role." I said and Dylan smiled.
"What?" I asked.
"I love the way you said "What if I'll get my role." That's my Y/N/N. Shit! You have to said it earlier. Gosh! I really missed happy you." he said and I smiled.
"I love when you are happy. And I love your smile, too." he said.
He came closer and closer, we were so close to kiss, but I said: "Dinner first!"
"You are enough for me." he said and kissed me.
"Such a sweet O'Brien, but it can wait" and I broke a kiss. He groaned and I laughed. "Now go upstairs and pack your luggage baby."
"Okay! But remember Y/L/N!" he said and then give me a quick kiss. He is so child. But what will I do. I love him more than anything. I kissed him back and the he left.

   We packed our everything and we had dinner, too. So now it's night and me and Dylan are figuring out which movie should we watch. I found a movie and then started watching Dylan with a smile.
"Oh...C'mon Y/N! "The Maze Runner" is not a romantic movie!" he whined.
"Okay! Okay!" I said and then continue searching a new movie.
"Romance, Romance, Romance..." I was repeating quietly.
"You know choosing a movie isn't hard." he said.
"We can start watching it earlier if you will move your ass and help me!" I said and then I started laughing.
"What's so funny Y/N? You know my ass is fine and when I'm choosing a movie, you never like that movie. You are like "You know I would choose better" so I won't help you." he said.
"Yeah, "Star Wars" and "Matrix" are really romantic movie Dylan." I said and then I found a movie which we should watch.
"Perfect!" I said and I turn on a movie.
"The Notebook?" asked Dylan.
"Don't tell me that it's not a romance and you don't want it or else we will cancel our movie night, because that I'm out from Ideas!" I said and then he told me: "No, no, no, no...I'm good with that movie."
"Great!" I said and then we started watching it!
   An hour went and we were in the middle of the movie when I told Dylan.
"You know, I love Noah, because that he didn't broke his word. He is not like you." I said with a little evil smirk and than I went in the kitchen. I pour water in my cup and then drank it, when Dylan came in and asked me: "Y/N! Do you think that I'm a word breaker person?"
"Maybe" I said and then put a cup.
"Maybe...What should we do to that maybe? hmm...I know! Maybe I told you "But remember Y/L/N!" "he said and then smashed his lips on mine.
That's what I wanted. I kissed him back and then...


Thank You everyone for reading this Imagine!

Oh...I'm sorry! I know that you want continue, am I right? Yeah, I will continue "Vacation"! It'll have got 3 parts. It's first.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Don't forget to vote and follow me!

I love you all!


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