Capriccio Farce

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'Each playing their song
their own way, a discordant capriccio.'

"The story has already let go of the hands of demons and gods and walks alone," Junko said aloud. She was watching with curious eyes. Especially the girl next to the nervous man.

"If they were in this place," Graveyard began, "they would probably make this lament..."

Gear finished the next part of her sentence.

"What was truly terrifying..."

But Kyoko was the one who spoke up.

"Was the desire of humanity."

Kai looked around. "What are we doing again?" he asked.

Kaede smacked him. "We're looking for the last Vessel, idiot!" Then she smacked him again. "You should known that!"

He didn't give up. "But why? Why do we need it? I bet Hellish has it." His words were so innocent.

Graveyard patted his head. "Now, now, it's okay. Just focus on something you like. You and Kaede don't need to participate too much."

"Can I play with Waiter when this is over?" Kaede asked semi-politely.

The girl across the room glanced over interestedly. Then, she waved at Kaede.

Patting Kaede's head, Graveyard nodded.

Kyoko had enough. Not sparing a glance, she hit her gavel down again. Everyone turned their attention back to her.

"Let's sort what few facts we have, lowly man
descended from a demon," she started, pointing her finger at Kiyo. "I'll give you permission,
so tell us of the time you came to this forest."

He sighed, but happy enough to speak. Until then, he had had to deal with Waiter poking him and asking how much longer the trial would last.

His voice cracked as he started speaking, but he didn't pay attention to it.

"There is an unpleasant curse dwelling in my body."
Seeking my original ancestor's sword that has become necessary to solve this, I arrived at this forest alone."

The very second he was done, the cursed twins chimes in with their own commentary.

"Kill him, eat him, if we can't, arrest him!"
This insolent jerk who entered the forest."

Now a little too into what was going own, Kyoko joined in, whacking her gavel for effect.

"Judge, judge, at any rate judge him
Trial! Sentence! Death!"

Kiyo kept going, ignoring them. He had been there long enough to become used to the residents antics. It got less funny as time went on, but he had kept most of his sanity.

"When I resolved myself after I was arrested,
The fickle girl extended her hand."

Waiter, a girl who tried very hard to keep her identity a secret, continued his words.

"I wanted a charge right for doing chores."

Junko tilted her head at Waiter, eyes narrowed. She opened her mouth, but Kiyo cut her off.

"And so I became, "The Gardener."

"Sorceress of Time"

Junko made up her mind to ask everyone else about Waiter. She needed answers.

"Cursed Gardener"

Kiyo watched them try to figure out where Grim the End had gone.

'Substitutes for the unawakened vessels
Each keeping their goals close to the chest
Unsettling invaders'

"The Director Doll"

Kyoko had her eyes on the growing chaos. Internally, she asked her father if what she was doing was correct.
"Master of the Graveyard"

Graveyard felt her stomach rumble as she laid eyes on Kiyo. She remembered the day he had evaded capture, which made him seem all the more delicious.

Shuichi wanted to be out of there. Kyoko was the reason he was there. No one else.

"The Waiter"

She watched them all, keeping an eye on Junko all the while. Feeling nervous, she grabbed Kiyo's sleeve, tugging at it.

"Master of the Hellish Yard"

A masked girl watched from the Hellish Yard. Not the theatre, but a girl with a golden key. She began to wonder if she had done the right thing. It didn't matter. She did do the right thing.

"When the end of everything arrives," Kiyo murmured under his breath.

"Who will be laughing, I wonder?" Waiter finished.

The two exchanged a glance.

"Lu li la
Lu li la
Lu li lu li la
The resounding beat of Irregular."

Two small kids were trapped somewhere dark and warm. The doll.

"Friendship, trauma, justice, illusion," Graveyard sang softly.

"Hope, destruction, dreams, greed, love, death," Gear muttered.

"All of it continues to melt and turn...." Kyoko was the one who spoke up next.

"The Clockwork Lullaby," Waiter finished.

"Just before the solitary man's death,
He constructed a theater."

Kiyo couldn't help himself and keep quiet. He had to say something.

"Will the utopia he wished for..." Junko wondered aloud.

"Be completed?" she and the masked girl said in unison.

Despite being in different places, they had the same question.

"Come, let's see with our own eyes, this farce called life."

The trial over, they all left to go to their respective places. Kiyo and Waiter met up, Waiter looking concerned.

"I think Junko may know who I am," she said in a low voice.

Kiyo shook his head. "That's impossible. We've all been so careful."

"She knows something. I—Postman—hasn't been as obedient as she should be. Junko is on to me."

Placing a hand on her shoulder, he said something to help soothe her fears.

"She won't find out."

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