Chapter 13 - The Final Lead

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Sparks flew around as his sword was blocked by the huge odachi. Atsuko now swung his sword to the other side but that got deflected too. One huge swing of the odachi and Atsuko had to roll to the side. Atsuko hoped that another quick strike would finish him but the odachi blocked the swing at the man's neck. Atsuko noticed that the man was quick with the large sword. Atsuko caught a hew from above with his sword. He slowly pushed his sword up until they could look the other in the eyes. Atsuko saw the cold look in the eyes of the man, the same that he had been giving people, to terrify them. Atsuko quickly lifted his foot and planted his heel on the man's foot. As Atsuko did a step back, the man lifted his foot a little. Atsuko took the opportunity to quickly kick his other leg from under him and as the man came down, Atsuko rolled to the side and jumped up. Atsuko had to jump quickly as the man swung his sword a little bit above the floor. After he landed, he quickly pushed his katana into the ground to block the next swing. He pulled it from the ground and hit the man's shoulder. The man let go of his sword and Atsuko shove it to the side. "You are a good fighter," Atsuko said to the man. "But not a good guard." As Atsuko pushed his sword through the chest of the man. He pulled it back and cleaned the blood from the edge with his sleeve. Only after sheathing his sword, Atsuko noticed the big double door. As he walked to the door, he noticed that light was coming from under the door. On the right side, a shadow blocked the light. Atsuko grabbed both swords and pushed them through the door, above the shadows on the ground. He heard a scream of pain and a stream of blood came from under the door.

Atsuko kicked the right door open, pushing the body to the side. A quick look confirmed that the man behind the door was a guard that stood ready to kill him if he entered. Now, he was bleeding on the ground. The room was empty except for a door in the right wall. Atsuko pointed his swords to the ground and walked to the door. He was in the middle of the room when the door in the wall opened.

Out walked the man known as Hamatori Kuzo. He was 6'2", a little bit smaller than Atsuko himself, and muscular build. He had tied his black hair in a small ponytail as he held his katana next to his body. He walked to the middle of the room and stopped at 10 feet from Atsuko. Atsuko turned his right sword upside down but stayed relaxed as he looked at Kuzo. "I know that you want information about Hebi," Kuzo said. "All of Yomika knows." Atsuko looked at Kuzo in silence before answering: "Then why don't you make it easy and give me the information I need?" Kuzo lifted his sword between him and Atsuko and said: "you know as good as I do that that isn't possible. Besides, I think I have a better chance against you than against Hebi." Still relaxed, Atsuko sighed deeply. Within the blink of an eye, he stood in front of Kuzo. Like a flash, his right sword swung straight to Kuzo's neck, but Kuzo quickly ducked under it. Atsuko's sword didn't stop and Atsuko turned with the motion of the sword to attack with his left sword. The sound of steel hitting steel echoed through the room as Kuzo blocked Atsuko's left sword. but now Kuzo's left side was open for an attack. Kuzo ducked again but this time, he did a step forward, trying to hit Atsuko in the stomach with his shoulder. A pommel strike hit Kuzo at the back of his head, but he didn't go down. Atsuko had stepped back just in time to see Kuzo raising his head after the pommel strike. He raised his hand to feel the wound. He looked at his hand to see blood on it but didn't seem to notice it. He grabbed his sword with both hands and charged at Atsuko, his sword behind him for a big swing. Atsuko quickly rolled to the side and managed to hit Kuzo on his shoulder as he ran past. The swing was blocked by Atsuko's other sword. By the time Kuzo turned around to Atsuko, Atsuko stood again. Both his sword next to his body as he ran to Kuzo. His swords both swung down, aiming for Kuzo's head. Kuzo's katana stopped the deadly swing and he and Atsuko stood face to face. "If I win, do I get the information I seek?" Atsuko whispered at Kuzo. "Sure" Kuzo replied. "But good luck with winning." Kuzo pushed both Atsuko's swords back and quickly swung for his belly. A small step back, and the sword missed Atsuko with a few inches. He quickly stepped forward and slew both his swords in Kuzo's shoulders. Kuzo looked confused at the swords as Atsuko put his foot on Kuzo's chest and kicked his swords free.

Kuzo fell over and landed on his back. Atsuko cleaned his blades and sheathed them. "I'm not done," Kuzo said as he tried to sit back up. He had lost a lot of blood and didn't have the strength to sit up. Atsuko saw Kuzo's hand trying to lift his sword but it was no use. Atsuko sat down next to Kuzo and said: "You are done. Honor our deal and tell me where I can find Hebi."

In the late afternoon, Atsuko walked out of the mansion through the entrance he came in. He knew where to find Hebi. This time, he didn't rely on another person. This would be him, and him alone. Hebi wouldn't beat him as easily as last time.

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