Chapter 12 - The Mansion

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The next morning, Atsuko sharpened his swords and went to the mansion. Instead of sneaking in the night, he walked up to the guards in plain daylight. Both guards grabbed their swords, seeing "The Ghost" walking up to them. "Don't come any closer!" One of them yelled to Atsuko but he didn't stop. He calmly stepped closer as the guard that yelled stepped towards him. Within the blink of an eye, Atsuko grabbed his sword, lifted it, and slashed it down, from left to right. The other guard saw Atsuko walking normally and the next moment, he had ducked down sword low. The blood on his katana suggested that he had hit and the other guard now fell over. A deep cut from his right ear to his left hip. Atsuko stood up and walked to the other guard, katana ready to strike. The guard stepped closer and Atsuko attacked once. Within a second, he hit the man's sleeve of his shirt and sheathed his katana. The guard stopped walking and started laughing. "You idiot. You missed me and only hit my sleeve." As he was laughing, Atsuko said: "I never miss." The guard looked at his arm as the sleeve started to turn red. After 2 seconds, it was soaked in blood. "You will bleed out and there is nothing you can do about it," Atsuko said. The guard dropped his sword and turned pale as he tried to stop the bleeding. Atsuko walked past him as he sat down on his knees. As Atsuko opened the mansion door, he heard the man fall over.

Atsuko entered a big hallway with a big staircase. 2 guards on the stairs and 2 walking through the hallway. The guards on the ground quickly pulled their katana and ran to Atsuko, while alerting the other guards. The two on the stairs jumped down as the other two attacked Atsuko. One of them stayed a little behind, giving the other space to attack. Atsuko stepped to the side and as the sword missed him. He grabbed the guard's sword hand at his shirt. Without stopping the moving guard, he grabbed the sword from his hand and shoved him against the door behind him. With the sword of the guard in his hand, he deflected the second guard's attack, stepped next to him, and grabbed him by the neck. With his leg, he shoved the guards from his feet while pushing his neck hard to the ground. His head hit the ground so hard that he instantly went unconscious and some blood came from the back of his head.

As the other 2 guards ran towards him, Atsuko saw another group of guards running behind them. Atsuko threw the guard's katana away and walked towards the running group. The group quickly surrounded him. 8 men, Atsuko counted. He ducked a little bit, hiding the fact that his hands held both katana's, ready to unsheathe. "Surrender now! 8 men are too much. Even for you." One of them said. "That's where you're wrong," Atsuko said. He noticed that one of them had stepped closer behind him, and with one move, he slid his katana out of the sheath and turned around. The poor guard didn't even see it coming, and was stunned to see his shirt sliced open, blood gushing out of a deep cut. All the men started closing in now. Atsuko quickly turned around and struck the next man in the side. One man swung his word close to the ground, but Atsuko jumped in the air, kicking the man in the chest. As he fell backward, Atsuko turned around again and determined a new target. He now unsheathed his other sword as well. The man tried to hit Atsuko from above, but he caught the sword with his. He quickly pushed the sword into the man's chest, piercing a lung. He pulled it back and turned around again. He ran towards another man, slid over the ground, cutting him deep in the leg. With only 3 guards left, he quickly jumped to the closest one. He deflected one or two blows, paried the third, and pushed the sword away. The man kept holding the sword tightly and followed it, turning his back at Atsuko. One hew across the back, and the man fell. The last two stood next to each other. Atsuko stepped between them, put the swords against his upper arm, and quickly pierced both men in the belly. After retracting the swords, he quickly rolled to the side, evading the sword of the two men. As he stood up and sheathed his katana, the last two fell. As Atsuko walked to the stairs, he heard footsteps running towards him. He quickly went on one knee, turned around, and unsheathed his sword. With one swing, he cut the man's belly and sheathed again. The men, who Atsuko had kicked in the chest before, dropped his katana and fell over.

The hallway had a ring on the second floor. Atsuko climbed up the stairs and found that multiple men stood ready to fight. The ring wasn't very large and Atsuko had just enough space to move. The first man tried to pierce Atsuko, but Atsuko pushed the sword to the side and it ended up stuck in the wall. With a kick, Atsuko launched the sword into the air and it landed on the hallway floor. The man looked at his sword on the floor and received a kick in the guts. As he gasped for air, he fell backward. The next man stepped over the fallen man and hewed at Atsuko's arm. Atsuko ducked behind the fence that kept them from falling, and the sword landed in the wood. Atsuko came back up and hewed at the man. He also duck behind the fence, his sword still stuck. Atsuko's sword went straight through the wood and struck the man in the neck. Atsuko stepped back and with one thug, he released the katana from the wood at his right. Now with a katana in both hands, he stepped over the man, bleeding from his neck. He pushed the man's katana through his chest and left it there. 2 throwing stars dug themselves into the throat of the next man. As he went down, Atsuko stepped back. The new frontman climbed over the bodies and ran towards Atsuko. Atsuko grabbed his katana with both hands. The swing would have hit Atsuko's head if he didn't duck down. The man stood almost over Atsuko as he thrust his katana with both hands into the heart of the man. His katana was still in the body. Atsuko put his feet next to the blade, onto the chest of the man, and pushed the body back, releasing his sword. Only one man was remaining. Atsuko ran to the pile of bodies and jumped. He flipped over the pile and with the momentum of the flip, hit the man in the head with his sword.

The line of people was gone but Atsuko noticed that he wasn't alone. On the other side of the hallway, on the fence on the other side, a man stood. He was dressed in black and dark red and he helt an Odachi with one hand. His left arm wasn't covered in a sleeve and a long scar was visible. The scar reminded him of one of the 20 guards, he slashed across the arm. "We meet again." The man said. Atsuko jumped on the fence and down to the hallway floor. He rolled back under the ring as the other man now jumped down too. They walked to each other, swords ready, Atsuko said: "It seems like it." He quickly jumped forwards. One big swing could mean the difference between a win or defeat. 

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