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We discussed what we should pack, when we should go, and our route. We slept that night and were up early to head off,
Considering we only had a day to do this.

"Alright soldiers, open your bags"

"Harmony, were not in the army."

"Pretend we are, now. Make sure you have all packed the following."

"Do you all have your lunchbox filled with foods?"


"Do you all have any extra clothes?"

"Why do we need extra clothes?"

"We might get dirty or something. I'm not sure, im just making you all pack the stuff they made us pack to last year's school camp."

"Anyway, have you all packed your hiking gear?"

"Hiking gear?"

"You never know when we might need it"

"You know, this is stupid. Just make sure you have food and water."


awhile later we were finally ready to head off, as we stood outside of the castle at 5am, we stared at the map and had to play rock paper scissors to decide who was the mapsperson. Allison ended up getting the role and we walked off east, realising that apocalypseburg was in a whole other system.

We were about 30 minutes into our trip when we noticed that.

"Alli! Why didn't you say this earlier?"
"I didn't know 😭"
"Its too late to back out now! Did our family ever give up when things were tough?"
"Then let's be the first to not!"

harmony snatched the map out of Allison's hands.


we got far enough to realise we infact needed a lift to even get to the right system, we were in a whole other town, far away from home. we decided to ask some of the locals for help. We assumed there was locals. After a few minutes of looking around the local area we saw a small stall selling fruit, noticing a large amount of people in the back.

"Imagine if the rex guy was there"

Allison joked.

"Yeah, Melody. Go be a brave girl and ask them if there's any guy under the name of dangervest there."

"I'm not doing that, idiots."

"Yeah? Well I triple dog dare you"

"I don't care."

I didnt care until harmony said

"Never thought there would be a day when someone like mel wouldn't do something like that."


I walked over to the girl there and I said

"Hi, do you know where any guy under the name of "rex dangervest"?"

"Yes actually! We had a guy under that name come here earlier when his ship broke, hes at the back, I'll go and get him right now!"

A shiver went down my spine, mostly because I had no idea what to say.
Harmony, thomas and Allison walked to me, also in disbelief.
A man walked up to us, dark brown hair, a blue vest, and looked intimidating overall.

"u-um... Your rex......right?"

"Who told you that? Heck, who even are you bunch?"

"do you know anyone by the name of Emmet?"

"kid.... I haven't heard that name in forever, what about him?"

" I-Im his daughter, Melody Brickowski......the world is in danger and you might be the only person who can help us save it"

"Thats the last thing i was expecting to hear today- it's been awhile since I've done anything like that, after what I did I don't think I deserve to help with anything as big as that"

"Nono- you don't understand! The ship of yours, we would need something like it to go to the real world and convince the Bianca girl to not put us in storage!"

"The insane creator of the systar system is gonna put us in storage?"

"She isn't insane! My mum is the ruler of that place!"

harmony said, snapping at him.

"Wow, people are making friends with systarians now?"

"Mhm! They aren't evil, you have to believe us! You might be one of our only hopes!"

"Fine, but my ship isn't going anywhere, it's damaged. That's how I ended up here in the first place."

"I might be able to help with that"

Harmony said, smiling in a way that meant she had a plan.


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A/N: here we are again, I'm hoping this is the seccond last chapter.
Y'all really thought i forgot that apocalypseburg was in a whole other system?
anyways, I looked at the ranks for this book.....how are we doing this????
Wattpad story ranks are weird becuase rn were at no.8 for #thelegomovie 😧😧!
still shocked, mae out.

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