No Humanity Elena

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"I want to talk to my older sister" I tell Stefan.

"Afraid, she's off with Damon and Katherine" he tells me in a gentle tone. I scowl and hand the phone back to Elijah.

"Tell me where they are" Elijah tells Stefan.

"Relax. No one's gonna get hurt as long as Katherine hands over the cure" Stefan tells him.

"Do you understand how much my sister despises Katherine? I assure you, Rebekah will end her the moment she ceases to be of use" Elijah tells him. I don't blame her for that.

"Well, just tell me where you are, and we can talk this through" Stefan tells him.

"You listen to me very carefully, Stefan. If anything whatsoever happens to Katherine, I will descend upon Elena" Elijah tells him. Before hanging up. Elena is leaning against the wall and hasn't moved since we came here.

"You all are idiots" she states.

"That's not a nice thing to say" I tell her with a pout.

"Excuse me?" Elijah asks her and she sighs loudly.

"What happened to you, Elijah? I mean, I thought you were supposed to be a man of honor, looking after your baby sister. Showing her this new world. And yet you've been hooking up with Katherine this entire time?" she asks.

"Actually, they only hooked up recently" I tell her.

"Well, I suppose this man of honor always shared a connection with Katherine. She contacted me when she learned about the cure. We thought we could be of mutual use to one another" Elijah states. "Besides I have been showing Heidi America" he adds.

"Of mutual use?" she asks with a chuckle. "Please. You fell for her trap just like every other one of those idiots" she states. I nod my head in agreement as I pick Coco up as he yawns.

"You underestimate me, Elena. I know who she is. I know what she's done" he tells her.

"And you think she's changed? She's playing you. She lied to you, Elijah" she tells him bored.

"She didn't lie to me about your transformation" he states as they look at each other.

"But something is off" I say with a frown.

"You're not just a vampire, though, are you?" Elijah asks and she shrugs. "There's something else. You... you're not yourself. You've abandoned your emotions. Why?" he asks her. That would explain a lot.

"My brother's dead. Your girlfriend killed him" she says emotionally. Elijah looks at her shocked. "You didn't know? Of course you didn't" she scoffs.

"She lied" he says.

"I hate to say I told you so, but...du" she tells him.

"I don't like dark Elena, make her turn back" I tell Elijah pouting. Elena rolls her eyes and steps down bored.

"It's not that simple Heidi" he tells me. "Besides unlike you, she'll remember every bad thing she's done without her humanity" he states. "I know what it feels like to lose a brother. We both do. And we're sorry for your pain. I only hope that you can find your way back to yourself someday" he tells Elena. Smiling ruefully, as Elena stands up.

"Just like you hope Katherine will find her way back? You still think that innocent girl you saved from Klaus ages ago is in there somewhere?" she asks.

"I'd like to think so, yes" he tells her.

"She's not. She's a monster now, Elijah. The sweet peasant girl you fell in love with way back when is dead. And she's not coming back" Elena tells him without remorse.

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