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Getting out of the car was a tricky situation. The baby refused to go back into Kara's arms, leaving Lena to figure out how to get out of the car with a baby in her arms. The CEO found her way out of the car and onto the pavement beside her blonde best friend.

They walked into the DEO, Kara's hand leading Lena by the small of her back. They looked like the perfect family unit.

The baby was on high alert as they entered. Her little head was peeking over Lena's shoulder. "She's very observant," Kara said. Lena nodded, flashing a quick smile at her friend.

After asking an officer for Alex's location, Kara, Lena, and the baby found themselves outside Alex's lab requesting entrance. It didn't take long for their request to be granted.

Alex's eyes immediately settled on the baby in Lena's arms. Even from across the room, its green eyes and fair complexion made it look like Lena's daughter.

"Lena, I didn't even know you were pregnant. Congratulations." Alex said after greeting the duo.

"She's not mine," Lena corrected.

"Sorry, it's just that she looks exactly like you," Alex explained. Still confused, she went on to ask, "If she's not yours. Whose baby is that?"

"We don't know. That's part of why we're here," Kara said before recounting the events of her morning to her sister.

"Can you help?" Kara asked.

"Of course, I'll run a few tests and have Agent King look through the missing person database for anything."

"Thanks for this."

"It's okay," Alex said, moving around her lab, gathering the necessary equipment to draw and collect the blood from the infant.

"You can sit there and place her on your lap," Alex said to Lena. Lena shuffled across the room to the stretcher and, with Kara's help, hoisted herself up and placed the infant on her lap.

The infant's hands made their way into Lena's hair and tugged on it as they waited for Alex to start. What came as a shock to all the adults in the room was the lack of tears when Alex inserted the needle into the baby's arm.

"Isn't she supposed to cry?" Kara asked.

"Yes," Lena said. Maybe she had a high pain tolerance.

Alex made quick work of taking as many samples of blood as needed for the tests she had in mind. "Ok, I'm done. You three can leave while I process these. I'll call as soon as I get something." She promised.

After a quick goodbye, Alex left her lab; Kara, Lena, and the baby made their way out of the DEO.

Lena's driver was still parked outside. "Are we still on for breakfast, or would you like to go back home?" Lena asked as they walked towards the parked car. At the mention of breakfast, Kara's stomach rumbled, making its hunger known.

"I'll take that as a yes for breakfast. Then maybe we can pick up a few things for the baby since we don't know how long she's staying, " Lena offered.

"Rao. Where is she going to stay? The DEO doesn't keep kids. My apartment's way too small. Alex's apartment is full," Kara rambled.

"She can stay with me. You know I have an extra room. If you want, you can both stay with me," Lena offered.

"That sounds amazing. It would be like a sleepover," she added, looking at the infant,"with a baby."

They were already outside the car by the end of Kara's little spiral. Kara opened the door for Lena and helped her in before following the brunette into the car.

Somewhere during the drive to Noonan's, the infant fell asleep in Lena's arms, making it infinitely easier to get out of the car.

"Should we wake her to eat?" Kara asked. It was a bit after 9, and she wasn't sure if the baby had eaten anything for the day.

"Let's eat first. It would be much easier to feed her after."

It took them a while to get settled. They had to not only ask a waitress for a high chair but also if they served some kind of baby food. Luckily, there were puree fruits and veggies that the sleeping child could eat later.

In the meantime, Lena and Kara ordered their breakfast. Lena ordered a breakfast bagel while Kara had a breakfast combo with extra french toast. They both had orange juice. Their drinks arrived much faster than their food.

They spent the time waiting on their breakfast discussing what they should buy for the baby. "We definitely need to get some winter outfits," Lena said. Kara agreed, the onesie the infant currently had on, wasn't exactly made for the current weather.

A waitress brought their plates. "Whenever you're ready for the puree, just let me know," she said before walking away. It wasn't long after the arrival of their food that the baby woke up. Her green eyes blinked open before either of the women were finished with their breakfast. Her little lip began to tremble when she realised she wasn't in either of their arms. Kara quickly lifted her out of the seat and onto her lap, squashing the impending cries.

Kara signaled for the waitress to bring the fruit puree. It didn't take nearly as long as when they waited for their food for the baby's puree to arrive.

Holding and feeding the baby resulted in Kara's hands being occupied. This led to Lena cutting pancake pieces and feeding Kara the remainder of her breakfast as Kara fed the baby. Onlookers found the sight adorable.

By the time Kara and Lena had finished eating, the baby was once again sleeping. Her face was adorable with the slight stain from where her food didn't quite make it to her mouth.

Kara took the baby to the washroom to clean her face while Lena paid.

"She's adorable," Lena said when Kara met her outside the restaurant. "Yes, she is," Kara agreed.

Lena's driver was once again waiting for them. They entered the car, and Lena told him to carry them to the mall.

The drive to the mall was rather quiet. The usually talkative blonde was unusually quiet, which her friend noticed.

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Unbetaed, not checked.
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