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When Jack wakes up the next morning he wastes no time getting up and starts getting ready, anxious to look his absolute best. He takes up the bathroom for far too long trying to get his hair to fall perfectly and make himself look as perfect as possible. 

JB1988: wow I can't wait to see you today you're all over my mind

Earthtolex: believe me...me too. I was dreaming about you all night. I'll see you soon. Fells point park, right near the cafe and restaurants

Jack smiles at his screen. JB1988: You got it<3 I wouldn't miss it for the world. 

He writes back before starting to head over, leaving pretty early so he can have time to mentally prepare himself before seeing Alex. He goes to daily grind on Thames St. and orders himself a cold brew, finding a little two person table and sitting down at it. He watches every person who walks by, wondering which one will be his boy.

Earthtolex: I'm outside by the fountain, near the coffee shop and that little bookstore

Jack feels sick to his stomach as he reads that Lex is here. 

JB1988: got it! I'll look for you. What are you wearing?

He sends, not sure what he looks like as he gets up, throwing away his empty cup and heading toward the water fountain.

Earthtolex: black shirt, black jeans, grey sweater.

Jack stops dead in his tracks when he spots his roommate wearing the exact outfit he described. fuck.. he feels like an absolute idiot for not putting it together sooner. The name, the hating his roommate, even being a fucking english major. It was right in his face the whole time and he was too blind to see it. He approaches Alex slowly, still a slight doubt in his mind that's only there because he wants it to be. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asks Alex, looking at the water running in the fountain and wanting to throw up in it.

Alex looks up at him, "waiting for someone....why?" He asks quietly, getting this horrible sinking feeling."Oh god. You're JB aren't you? Him?" He shows Jack his phone."Oh god no. This has to be a joke right? You found my username and decided it would be funny to fuck with me right?" He stands up, eyes prickling with tears, "I'm so fucking stupid. I knew it was too good to be true." He sniffles, shaking his head.

Jack nearly dies inside as Alex confirms that it's him. Though when he starts getting suspicious he does what he does best and gets irritated by him."What?! Fuck with you? Why would I find your username and talk to you for four fucking years just to eventually meet you and get a good laugh out of it? I wouldn't waste that much of my fucking time on you Alex! I had no clue it was you despite it being in my face this whole time! I genuinely thought I had a good.. friend.. online and I'm just ask shocked as you are. Don't paint me out to be a psychopath jesus christ."He shakes his head and looks down, blinking back tears.

Alex sniffles, shaking his head. He looks up at him after a moment with tears in his eyes, and he doesn't stop them this time."I'm sorry! I don't mean to like blame you! I just...how can you hate me so much in person but like me for four years online? How can you hate my face but not hate me? and I'm asking the same of myself too..." He takes a deep breath, "I just...maybe this was supposed to happen? Please don't yell at me anymore...This is already bad enough."

Jack nearly dies inside as Alex confirms that it's him. Though when he starts getting suspicious he does what he does best and gets irritated by him."What?! Fuck with you? Why would I find your username and talk to you for four fucking years just to eventually meet you and get a good laugh out of it? I wouldn't waste that much of my fucking time on you Alex! I had no clue it was you despite it being in my face this whole time! I genuinely thought I had a good.. friend.. online and I'm just ask shocked as you are. Don't paint me out to be a psychopath jesus christ."He shakes his head and looks down, blinking back tears.

Alex sniffles, shaking his head. He looks up at him after a moment with tears in his eyes, and he doesn't stop them this time."I'm sorry! I don't mean to like blame you! I just...how can you hate me so much in person but like me for four years online? How can you hate my face but not hate me? and I'm asking the same of myself too..." He takes a deep breath, "I just...maybe this was supposed to happen? Please don't yell at me anymore...This is already bad enough."

Jack sighs and shakes his head, conflicted over what to say and do and especially how to feel. "Alex.. I don't know! Okay? I'm really fucking confused right now.." He thinks back to the other night when they got along so well and lets a single frustrated tear fall from his face. "Like I know from texting you that you feel the exact same way about 'your roommate' so I really I just don't know." he trips over his words, wanting to run away and text earthtoalex but he can't. It would do nothing now, his little hideaway is gone and as he looks at his roommates face one side of him wants to just give in and kiss him and the other one wants to staple his fingers to his face.

Alex bites his lip, "well....I'm still the same person you've been talking to....and look," he looks up at him, "I don't actually hate you. I just hate how you get so annoyed at me all the time when I'm just trying to help...like you never talk to me calmly, you never have, and it makes me mad and then I'm just an asshole right back. But I don't hate you...I was actually having the time of my life hanging out with you. We were having fun and I liked it..."He sighs, "maybe we could still try? I'm still me..."

Jack nods, knowing he had a good time with him the other night too but he's still stubborn and upset. "I guess you are.." he sighs and looks down, "I just.. I need some time to think right now." he mutters, wanting any excuse to leave this situation. "Look, I'll see you back at the room tonight but I need some time."

"No matter how much time you take, I'm still the same person you've known and actually liked for four years. Despite being the person you hate." Alex sighs.

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