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once upon a time, a lone orange lived on a kitchen island, surrounded by his other fruit friends, although the difference was he had the ability to talk, and somehow shift about, but today was different, while annoying orange was usually bored out of his mind, left to annoy his other friends today came a visitor by the name of Cioccolata, a famous doctor from Italy, although he wasn't very trustworthy..Cioccolata walked around the kitchen with his other friend, or i suppose "lapdog" secco and inspected the area, but the soon came to find annoying orange in the kitchen and were quite suprised by his sudden appearance and ability to talk.. "hey, who are you guys? i wasn't expecting to meet a human asparagus and a crazy dog here of all places" the orange questioned their sudden arrival, Cioccolata just inspected him, but didnt reply to his question at all, instead secco had gone to raiding the food cabinets and eating anything in sight, but... HEJEJDNDNDJDJFall of a sudden secco turns and runs towards annoying orange to eat him!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!! and annoying orange screeches at the top of his lungs and sounds like a dying mouse. Then he uses his annoying orange stand ability omg!!!!!!!!!! and turns very buff and he picks up secco, throwing him into sky and secco meets team rocket bc they failed to grab a yellow electricity mouse and then they become best friends and ditch Cioccolata so now Cioccolata lives with annoying orange for the rest of his life .And then diavolo got run over by a car so it's canon.

cioccolata and secco meet annoying orange!!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt