As he made the kids comfortable in their cribs, Brandy went to the kitchen and got herself something to drink. She sat in her thoughts for a moment, up until she saw Devante come her way. He sat across from her, only staring at the woman.

"...I think we need to talk Brandy."

" I agree." the woman replied back, sipping her drink. She watched as the man rub his temple, waiting for him to start the conversation.

Devante was in his beginning stages of speaking, but the man couldn't resist not picking up his ringing phone. He noticed how Brandy sighed as he answered, and it bothered him to see it all happen. Overhearing what was being said through the phone, an urgent expression came across Devante's face.

" Baby...look. I–"

" You have somewhere to be. Great!" Brandy spoke in an exaggerated tone. Devante tried to confide in the woman, but failed. All he could do was say how sorry he was.

"...I'll make it up to you baby. I'll make it up to you this weekend. I promise."

Devante walked out of the house, and headed back to his G Wagon truck. He headed for the studio, seeing a particular someone there waiting for him. She grinned as she saw the man, and greeted him rather dicey than before.

" De...I'm glad you came out. I hope I didn't stop you from anything."

" Nah, you good Bey." Devante spoke. He waved at her father, who had past the studio in efforts to make sure things were on task.

"...So, I think if I take that an octave lower it will blend in with the overlaying harmonies more. What do you think?"

" I think that'll go nice. You wanna try it out?"

Beyoncé nodded, and Devante waited to play the beat of the song until she was ready. She looked immensely at the man as she sung the love searching song out. It was evident and clear as day that the young woman was passionate about singing. Her vocals were a dead giveaway.

"...that sounds good. Real good." Devante says , replaying what was just recorded. As he nodded his head, he briefly glanced up at Beyoncé. He would've thought her attention would be on the music, but it had seem to be elsewhere.

" Bey? You hear me?"

" Y-Yeah, I am." the woman said. " I feel what you're saying." she continues on, smiling in efforts to get one in exchange.

"...that's a nice ring."

" I know, huh? It costs a charm."

" It looks like got it on your own? Was it a gift? Or what?"

" I...I'm engaged." Devante admits, causing Beyoncé to widened her eyes. She nodded her head, her brows raised.

" Oh...oh, well congratulations. That's cool...real cool." the woman says.

Devante nods, noticing the glare in her eyes. It had thinking, thinking things that he had no business thinking about. Good thing those thoughts remained in his head. He stood from his chair, toying around with the controls on the music console to keep himself occupied.

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