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She stared blankly at the screen in front of her, anxiously waiting for a reply.

It wasn't like Jason, to not reply as fast as he could. Jason would always respond to Veronica as fast as he could, or make sure to let her know why he responded so late.

But now, it had been thirty minutes since Jason texted Veronica - panic was racking her head; she was getting impatient.

Until, of course, he replied.


Hey. You okay? Sorry I didn't reply.


we still on for prom tomorrow?


Wouldn't miss it for the world, Ronnie.

Veronica smiled at her laptop before replying with an okay, see you then, and shutting it softly. She had bought herself a brand new dress recently, a different dress than her usual black lace sort of stuff.

It was a pale blue and white dress, the kind you would see a princess wear, maybe?

Hard to explain - it had a fluffy, large, poofy, deeper blue colored skirt part and a sleeveless, tank top sort of floral white top part.

She just hoped , prayed , Jason would like it.

That night, Veronica went to bed early and made sure to clean her face and brush her teeth hard.

And when she woke up, so many emotions stormed through her body. Excitement, anxiousness...

The day seemed to drag on forever, the two stopping in the hallways and sharing quick kisses when they saw each other, until finally, it was prom.

Veronica and the girls went home to Veronica's to get dressed and do their hair, touch up their makeup, sneak a little bit of liquor into their water bottles...

And the girls were in awe at Veronica's dress.

So was Jason, when he opened the front door.

"Holy- Veronica, you look amazing. I- holy..."

Veronica smiled, pulling her boyfriend in for a love filled hug. Whizzer and Marvin stood and stared, smiling.

The group gathered into the-

"Holy shit, a limo?!" Veronica questioned, turning to Marvin. "Where-?"

"You can thank Trina's father. He's rich."

Veronica smiled, hugging Marvin, then Whizzer, before joining her friends and her boyfriend in the car.

Once out of parents eyesight, Veronica turned to her boyfriend and kissed him. She kissed him long and sweet and held his chin between her fingers and pulled away with a smile on her lips.

Jason, of course, had the same look as always. Shocked, utterly, and full of love.

Veronica felt like a princess, still, when she left the car and entered the highschool gym hand in hand with her boyfriend.

The sleepover group and their dates met them at the door, excitedly smiling as they walked inside.

"Hey, Jase," Veronica giggled, sitting down at a table - the others joining them - "Imagine if you and I got voted prom king and queen, and then that shit from Carrie happened."

"Ronnie! That would be shit!" He laughs.

"I know! But wouldn't it be funny? Or fucking terrifying?" She replied, excitedly.

"Yeah. It would be terrifying. Do you want punch?"

Veronica nodded, smiling.

When Jason came back, he and Veronica drank their punch before getting on the dance floor.

The two were embarrassingly bad dancers - until they took classes together. They now deemed themselves as "the best dancer's they'd ever seen".

But still, they danced. Jason spinning Veronica, cheesy couple shit. All was well, perfectly well, until he spun her away - Veronica tumbling backwards, nearly falling to the floor, when someone caught her.

A girl. An angelic, blonde girl. She had bangs and feathery hair, half up. Her lips were a glossy red and she wore a prom dress similar to Veronica's - a sort of princess dress with puffy short sleeves. It had gems, sparkling, and she wore white heels. The girl wore a white gemmed headband.

And her eyes...they were a deep chocolate brown, gorgeous and melt-worthy.

Veronica couldn't look away from them, from those eyes. Until she turned to look at Jason, who stood staring at the two girls - the two girls who's lips were mere inches away.

Veronica bit her lip, turning back to the girl. "Hey..." she whispered.

The girl replied with a soft spoken voice, a whispered hello - followed by: "Would you like to dance?"

Veronica blushed softly, looking back at Jason. "I...I can't. My boyfriend, he's..."

"Have some fun! Come on..."

Veronica took a deep breath and agreed. "Okay."

The girl and Veronica danced for the remainder of one song before Veronica smiled and walked away, laughing as she met back with Jason.

"Have fun, Ronnie?"

"Yeah! I felt bad for leaving you, but she was sweet. I hope you don't mind."

"Nah, not at all! It was sweet, you looked happy." He smiled.

She was about to respond, when the next song began.

Slow, calm, sweet.

Veronica smiled, placing her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder.

"Let's dance."

Jason smiled at his girlfriend as they began to dance the night away...

Sooner or later, of course, prom King and Queen simply had to be announced.

"Prom King goes to Mister Kurt Kelley - " The whole room, seemingly, cheered as Kurt made his way on stage with a smile, taking the crown.

"And prom queen goes to Miss Heather Levin!"

The girl who walked onstage happened to be the girl Veronica danced with before.

She watched as Kurt took the tiara, placed it on Heather's head, and kissed her softly. The crowd was filled with awws, but Veronica - she swore her heart crumbled. Just barely.

"You wanna go home, Ronnie?"

"Let's blow this bitch."

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