Enjoy It While It Lasts

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Whizzer stared at the chalkboard in the front of the room. He hated math class. Nothing was good about it. The year prior there were no attractive men to stare at when he didn't feel like focusing, and he assumed there wouldn't be any this year either.

He glanced at people as they rushed through the door and to a seat near a friend or near the windows.

The tardy bell sounded just as a man, most likely a year older than Whizzer, slid through the door. He had soft looking brunet curls that were clearly in need of a haircut because they just barely draped over his blue eyes, which seemed as though if you stared into them for too long you may never be able to look away.

He held his books close to his chest, his eyes scanning the room, then quickly shuffling the the back of the class. The last empty chair was adjacent to Whizzer; leaving Whizzer to watch as he settled into the seat.

Maybe math class wouldn't be so bad.


Most of the class, Whizzer couldn't take his eyes off of this kid. It was shocking how clueless he was. He didn't notice Whizzer eyeing him once.

When the class finally ended, and the bell rang, Whizzer followed the brunet to his locker. Whizzer wouldn't do that under normal circumstances, but he really wanted to talk to the man he had been staring at for the past hour.

"Hey. Can I ask your name?" Whizzer chimed.

"Oh, sure. I'm Marvin."

"I'm Whizzer. Would you like to get coffee after school?"

"Oh, that would be nice." Marvin smiled, following Whizzer to his locker, and watching him get his books for his next class.

"Good. I'll pay." Whizzer flashed Marvin his handsome smile, before they walked to their classes, finding out they had the same next few classes along the way.

Before they knew it, it was lunch, and they sat together, some of Whizzer's friends joining them.

Whizzer was sitting on the table, talking to Marvin, when a bubbly blonde girl skipped towards them.

"Marvie!" She sang, wrapping her arms around him.

"Oh...hello, sweetheart." He said, his voice quieting. Whizzer could see his mood switch, from joyful to awfully uncomfortable.

Ooh...is he gay? Maybe I do have a chance. Whizzer thought, as he stared at the brunette and the blonde.

"Oh, my gosh, Marvie, guess what Tracy told me. She told me that she thought you were a homo, and I was like 'Ugh! No way! He can't be a homo, he's in love with ME!' And she was like, 'Okay, but if he leaves you for a man then don't tell me I didn't warn you.' But anyway, I just wanted to tell you about Tracy being, like, stupider than me. Love ya!! Bye-bye, Marvie." She smiled, quickly pecking him on the lips before skipping away to her table.

Marvin sighed. "Jeez."


"She's such a handful. I've been," he paused, as if he didn't want to say it. "I've been dating her since highschool." Marvin cringed, finishing his sentence. "I don't have the heart to leave her."

"Hm. Why do you want to leave her?"

Marvin sighed again, shaking his head. "You take a guess."

"You are a homo, aren't ya?"

Marvin was silent.

"It's fine if you are. All of us are." Whizzer said, gesturing towards his group of friends.

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