⭑ - Chapter Five - ⭑

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Wilbur smiled at Schlatt. "I'll see you later." Schlatt didn't smile. "You too, Wil."

They parted ways, Wilbur going to his house, and Schlatt to his. They found out they didn't live that far away from one another, it was only a block or two in distance.

Wilbur felt excited to know that he had someone to talk to that wasn't that far away, but he felt like he shouldn't visit too often or it'd weird Schlatt out.

He wondered when Fundy would get back.

As if on cue, he got a phone call from Niki.


"Hi Wil. I was wondering when I should bring Fundy back?"

"Well, it's 4:00, he can come back anytime before 8:00. It is Sunday, after all. He's got school in the morning."

"Alright, thanks Wil."

"You're welcome, Niki."

They both hung up, leaving Wilbur with only his thoughts again.

He sat the bags down on the kitchen counter, searching through the bags for the dinner he had gotten.

"Must've accidentally switched my bags up with Schlatt.." He said, pulling out an item that he didn't remember buying.


His phone rang. He picked it up, seeing that it was Schlatt's number. Probably figured out they switched groceries.

Wilbur answered, putting the phone on speaker and sitting it back down on the table, looking through some of the bags.

"Wilbur, we fucking switched groceries."

"I know."

"Open your damn door."

"What?" Wilbur looked at the locked front door.

"Open your door, Wilbur."

"How the fuck did you get here so fast?"

"I've been here for five minutes. Open the door."

"Fine, fine." Wilbur ended the call, going over to his front door and unlocking it for Schlatt.

Schlatt was holding his grocery bags. "You got a lot of cereal." "Yeah, uhm- Come in, I guess."

Schlatt followed Wilbur into the kitchen. "Here's
your stuff."

Wilbur handed Schlatt his bags. "And here's yours."

"Thank you." Was all Schlatt said as they exchanged bags. "..You're welcome.." Wilbur and Schlatt stood there awkwardly, holding their grocery bags.

"..I guess I'll be going, then. See ya, Soot."

"..See ya."

Schlatt walked out of the house. Wilbur sighed, going back to the front door and closing it. Fundy would probably get back in two to three hours, so what would he do until then?

He sighed, going back to the counter to put away the groceries.

Hopefully Fundy would be back soon.


"I'm back!" Schlatt announced.

"Oh, hey dad." Tubbo replied. Schlatt sat the grocery bags on the dining room counter. "Where's your brother?" Tubbo shrugged.

"I think he went riding his bike with friends."

  "Biking, huh.." He sighed. "Come help me with these groceries." Tubbo shrugged and went over to the counter, pulling different items such as milk out of the bag.

"Yeah. Biking. He just put on a jacket and shoes and left." "Did he tell you where he was going?" Schlatt asked. "To the park." Tubbo answered. "Oh, okay. Did he say when he'd get back?"

"He said around 4:40."

Schlatt scratched at his chin.

Tubbo looked at Schlatt's neck. "..You're bleeding again."

Schlatt touched his neck, looking at his fingertips. They were, indeed, stained in his blood.


"Do you need me to get any bandages?"

"No, I'll be fine, I can get them myself." He sighed, walking off to the bathroom.

He locked the door behind him, and looked in the mirror. "Dear God, I'm a wreck."

His hair was disheveled, his neck was bleeding, his horns had a few scratches and chips.. The list could go on.

He opened the cabinets, trying to find the bandages.

"Fuckin' hate when this happens." He whispered to himself, locating the medical kit and rummaging through the assorted things in it.

He finally found the bandages, taking one out of the box snd unwrapping it, he took the rest of the paper off of it, and looked at his scratch.

Wouldn't hurt to just stick the band-aid on.

He placed it over his scratch and cleaned up the blood from himself.

He walked back to Tubbo, who looked at him worriedly. "Have you been scratching yourself again?" "Yeah." "Please, do pay attention next time dad. I know you zone out a lot or you just- Don't feel it when you hurt yourself sometimes, but be careful. We care about you, remember?"

"Yes, Tubbo, I remember—"

"Did you even clean the scratch?"


"Dad, it'll get infected! Go clean it."


"Go clean it. I'll put the groceries away."



I wish I never met you [c!Schlattbur]Where stories live. Discover now