11. The Cooperative

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Y/N sighed, settling down on the leather couch in the office. All day, she had been ripping and running, doing things here and there. The Cooperative was a very tasking job. She hadn't had any free time in weeks.

The only thing that kept her sane was takeout, so much takeout, and knowing that soon all of this would be over. She was growing tired as her head lolled off to the side, resting itself on the cushion of the couch. Much to her luck, the door to her office opened and she had to restrain herself from letting out a heavy sigh.

Opening her eyes slowly, she looked over to the doorway to see the two most annoying people she had ever met, standing there. She sat up, staring at the two pointedly, "What do you want, Jeff and Mutt?"

"Well," Mutt started, "we," he pointed to him and Jeff, "Want to have some fun with you."

"Excuse me?" And this is why she found them to be the most annoying people on earth.

"We're kidding," Jeff said, "but... if you ever wanted to, we certainly wouldn't turn you down." He smirked at her, arms crossing over his brightly colored, striped shirt.

"I swear, if this is the only reason you came in here-"

"Partly the reason," Mutt swiped his hand under his nose, most likely sniffing up the coke that was left over after their partying.

"And the other?" Y/N raised her eyebrow at the two men, or should she say immature boys, standing across from her.

"Big man wants you in his office." Y/N stared at the two blankly. Sure, she had met the infamous Antichrist before when they had meetings, but alone? That had never happened.

"You're not bullshitting me?" She was nervous and rightfully so. It's not every day someone who could eviscerate you with the snap of her fingers wanted to talk to you.

"Nope, he said he wants you in his office," Mitt said, smiling at her.

And that's how she landed where she is now, bare, and spread out on a cold wooden desk in front of the man of the hour.

Shivers ran down her body as Michael walked around her, arms behind his back. She had never felt more embarrassed than she had now. Spread out naked for a man who was destined to end the world.

She jumped when he trailed his cold fingers against her skin. They dipped around every curve of her body, leaving a wildfire of goosebumps in their wake.

"You're so pretty like this," Michael spoke, voice ringing through the silence of the room. "Laid out, submitting to me."

She turned her head to the side, face burning with embarrassment. She heard Michael chuckle above her, "Is someone a little embarrassed?"

"N-no." She winced at how whiny and unconvincing she sounded. Y/N would be lying if she said she hadn't thought of doing rather unholy things with the man towering over her, but she didn't know they would actually come to life.

"Oh, but I think you are. Do you want to know what else I think?" Michael didn't even give her time to respond before continuing, "I think you like being spread out for me. I think you're just a dirty little whore who wants someone to claim her."

He watched the way her eyes widened and the heaving of her chest at his words. "Am I right?"

"Um," she paused, trying to find the right words. Y/N there was no point in lying. He knew how she really felt.

"Maybe. I don't know. I don't do this kind of thing." Her voice came out meek and quiet like a little church mouse.

"Do what kind of thing?" He asked, ghosting his fingertips down her stomach where she ached for him. "Get naked and spread your legs like a whore for the first man who shows a little attention."

Cody Fern AHS characters Imagines x Reader (Fem)Where stories live. Discover now