Diaster and St. Hermelin

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it's like a whole different person!" Inaba added.

Y/n looked at his gadget, "...easy, huh? I don't know if was easy. Just doing what needs to be done."

Suddenly the closet started to shift as Y/n started to use the gadget but, it appeared to be some doctors with weapons. "Ah, it's you guys! You are alright!"

"You're Sonomura's doctor!" Inaba shouted as they made their way to a safe room. But...fighting monsters on the way. Nanjou looked at Y/n.

"Will you stop running into walls!?" Nanjou looked at Y/n.

"Its..,it's not as easy as you make it seem!!" Y/n got flustered.

"I really wish we didn't have to fight those guys every 15 seconds." Inaba said as he held his back.

Soon they all made it to the room, as the doctors patched everyone up. "Alright, that should do it. It might hurt for a while, but no bones were broken so you'll be fine."

Toudou put on his clothes after being wrapped, "sorry to trouble you."

"So many people..." Y/n said as he looked at the people in the room.

"Hey, Doc. What happen to the ICU? Where'd Sonomura go?" Inaba asked.

The doctor held his face, "I don't know what's really going on...! 'It's an earthquake' is what I thought at that moment, but it felt like there was this incredible pressure...when I came to, I found myself collapsed in this room. Sonomura-San wasn't here, I was going to look for her, but before I knew it, there was these strange things wandering around the hospital."

"Didn't you call the police department?" Y/n asked.

"Course I did, but..." Doc picked up the phone, there was nothing, "no dial tone. And it's not just the phones! Tv, Radios, I can't use anything!!! ON TOP OF THAT, THOSE UNBELIEVABLE THINGS... I'M THE ONE WHO WANTS TO ASK WHAT'S GOING ON!!"

"Doctor..." one of the young nurses tried to calm him down.

"I need to finish Sonomura-san's treatment fast..." the doctor said.

Inaba tried to mess with the TV. "It's true, I can't see anything."

"Hope you don't get pulled through." Y/n folded his arms.

"That's not all. Look over there. I noticed it after the earthquake." one of the nurses pointed to a spot outside. Everyone looked out the window. The whole town was surrounded by mist. "It's like there's a strange...mist completely surrounding the city."

"What in the world is that?" Yukino asked as Y/n shook his head.

"No matter what it is...it's nothing but trouble." Y/n grit his teeth.

"We can't move from here because... we can't just abandon the patients. That's why I'm begging you kids... get in contact with the outside somehow." the doctor said as the gang is seen outside the hospital, walking down the street.

"...In the end, Maki wasn't in the hospital." Yukino said worried.

"Damnit!" Inaba kicked a can down the street.

"There isn't a single car, the whole way..." Nanjou says as Y/n was digging through his bag. Nanjou looked at him as they walked, "Maruki-..."

"Call me, Y/n. You deserve that much." Y/n said not looking at him.

"Y/n, how do you know how to make...something like that?" Nanjou asked, referring to the pen that could somehow turn into a scythe.

"I was wondering the same thing, actually." Toudou admits as Y/n puts his bag back on his back.

The Clock Starts Ticking (Persona 1 x Reader) [On Break]Where stories live. Discover now