Manifestations And Personas

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A woman is seen at a computer, typing something on a keyboard and the computer with a worried expression. The sound of metal objects alert the man to a figure behind her, she quickly turned around. "What are you doing? I know you're not allowed in here..."

"I'm begging you, Director! Please stop this!" The woman shouted, "this system is too dangerous! If we're careless and something were to happen during the the worst case scenario, not just our buildings, but the entire city could be damaged!"

The wall said: S.E.B.E.C

"And what of it?" The figure asked, "whatever happens to this city doesn't matter. Compared to our ultimate goal..."

"This can't be...are you serious, director?!" the worker asked, "that would be..."

"Where are you going?" The figure asked when the woman dashed for the door.

"I'm going to inform the police! I cannot allow this dreadful thing to continue any longer!" She shouted.

"That would be troublesome." The director said as the door was close with a metal barrier.

"Di...director?" they asked.

"You were an extremely talented engineer, but... such as same. Sonomura-kun." A gun is aimed at him as it fires. The noise cuts to Toudou slamming the phone line on the handle.

"Toudou! How was it? Is Sonomura's mom..." Inaba asked Toudou as he walked back.

"No good." Toudou said as he held a card.

"What the hell do you mean?!" Y/n asked, angry.

Toudou was angry as well, "they said that she's in a meeting, so she can't be contacted."


"Don't make a scene, monkey! Where do you think we are?" Nanjou had his arms folded.

"But c'mon!" Inaba shouted.

"At any rate, I told them to give her the message. After that, I called her house and left a message on their machine." Toudou said.

"Sonomura's mom works for that SEBEC place, right?" Yukino asked.

"Yeah, an engineer like my mom. They're close with each other..." Y/n said as Inaba spoke.

"She's still her mom." Inaba slammed his fist on the wall. "I don't care if she's an engineer or whatever. Sonomura said she's never's always, 'work, work, work' making her own kid feel lonely like this..."

"Idiot! Don't say those kind of things!" Yukino shouted at him.

"That's not just how that works." Y/n said as he messed with his pencil. Spinning it around in his hand.

"Why?! Isn't that how it is?!" Inaba shouted. "If it were me...if I were a part of Sonomura's family, I would never let her feel lonely. I'd always be by her side, and make sure she's okay."

"It can't be helped." Y/n said as Inaba glared at him.

"What's that?" Inaba asked aggressively.

"If aunt Sonomura could, she'd do just that... then how would she pay for Maki's hospital and medical bills?" Toudou explained it to him.

"Eh? Oh yeah..." Inaba understood.

"I see...Maki's only got her mother." Yukino said as she held her chin.

Y/n sighed and stopped spinning his pencil, "even if she understands that...thinking about it with pure logic doesn't make anything like this any better."

The Clock Starts Ticking (Persona 1 x Reader) [On Break]Where stories live. Discover now