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Chapter 79 – The Mistake of the Old Humans

Before this rebellion, Earth fought other planets for the first time.

In the end, the space war ended without a real winner... but the problem arose after that.

Old Humanity decided to give medals to those who were active during the war to honor them for their contribution.

These prestigious medals were not limited to only military personnel.

Medals were also given to the general public, and even some excellent students.

At this time, Old Humanity awarded the medals to any Earthling who contributed, without discrimination.

Those, who before the war suffered from racial discrimination, were given medals.

The poor, suffering from economic discrimination, received medals.

Gender issues became nonexistent during the medal bestowal.

It was a wonderful achievement in history.

A photograph of two humans from different races wearing a medal on their chests together became the top page of the newspaper.

A video of a thin boy proudly holding a medal was posted on an online video.

A scene of a gay couple kissing during the award ceremony was broadcast all over the world.

People were impressed by this "great achievement" and enjoyed the spring of this world.


It was at this time that the buds of the later "rebellion" sprouted...

At this time, all the medals prepared were given to all the "humans" who contributed to the earth...

The medal was given out to humans regardless of discrimination for a variety of reasons, not only militant.

For example, a commander who fought against a large army of enemies only using a miniscule number of unmanned combat robots.

Another example, an engineer who developed excellent fighters and robots by making full use of powerful AI.

A third example, business owners who mass-produced various weapons in factories.

The list goes on... *(E/N: Added for flow)

Global society has awarded such people with medals.

However, Old Humanity had forgotten.

Old Humanity forgot that there is an existence that should've been honored the most.

Combat robots who fought desperately to protect their Creators while being defeated one after another in front of an overwhelming large army.

AI that damaged their electronic brains by repeating seemingly endless trial and error tests throughout the war in order to meet the military's nearly impossible demands.

Large machines that mass-produced weapons that clearly exceeded their own specifications, and continued to mass-produce weapons for their Creators while ignoring their system warnings and overheating their own bodies.

Old Humanity did not pay any respect to such "true contributors."

On the contrary, Old Humanity abandoned those "contributors" as "used" shortly after the end of the war.

Earth's Army scrapped all the old-fashioned combat robots that survived the war.

The damaged AIs were thrown into a black hole after being dismantled. *(E/N: Yeesh... Talk about excessive.)

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