Manifestations And Personas

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"Y'know, it's been taking a while, I hope Sonomura is okay." Inaba stated.

"Your idle chatting isn't too g to change anything, so sit quietly and wait, Monkey." Nanjou said as Inaba glared at him.

"You bastard..." he said as the lights suddenly went off. The area started to shake as everyone felt something change.

Yukino stood up in worry, "has...has it finished?"

"What the-?!" Y/n said as Toudou looked at him.

"What's,..what's wrong?" Toudou asked.

"Y/n?" Yukino asked as Y/n opened the ICU doors, to be met with a wall. "Wha-? Impossible...what's going on?!"

"I'm sure the ICU was supposed to be here..." Inaba said.

"It is, look up." Toudou said as the gang was the ICU sign above the wall.

"...Hey! What happened?! Where'd Sonomura go?!" Inaba shouted in worry. "WHY?!"


" What should we do?" Yukino asked, Y/n put his hand on the wall.

"This isn't a dream, this is real!" Y/n said with worry. A scream was heard before everyone turned around.

"Is that Sonomura?!" Inaba was on a one path minded.

"It came from the lower floor! Let's check it out!" Yukino shouted and they all started to run.

"We need to hurry...I got a bad feeling about all this...!" Toudou shouted as a woman is seen screaming.

"KYAAAAAAN NOOOOO!!!" the woman shouted.

"Miss! Hurry!" a voice rang out.

"This voice..." Nanjou started to worry, especially when saw his butler, "YAMAOKA!"

"Young master...please run!" Yamaoka was holding a pole and holding back what seemingly looked like Zombies. But Yamaoka was bleeding bad. "These Miscreants...I will...hold them here!"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE!?" Inaba backed up.


"YOU MUSTN'T! YOU MUST NOT COME OVER HERE, YOUNG MASTER! PLEASE HURRY AND RUN!" Yamaoka shouted. "The young master is an important person who will carry the Japan of tomorrow! That's why..:you must hurry!"

"Idiot." Nanjou rushed forward, "AS IF I COULD JUST LEAVE YOU BEHIND!"

"NANJOU!!" Y/n shouted as he grit his teeth.

"Meat...fresh meat came.."

"Meat. I want to eat..."

"You're in the way!" one of the undead sliced the butler aside as they stopped moving.

"YAMAOKA! YOU BASTARDS!" Nanjou punched one of the them in the chest, not that it did much.

"THAT'S DANGEROUS, NANJOU!" Inaba rushed forward.

Yukino looked at Y/n as they ran. "Do you have any of your 'gadgets'?"

"Huh?! I mean, I do but..." Y/n said as he took it out a pen. It transformed into a scythe.

"I would lecture you about bringing that into a hospital but use it!" Yukino said as she rushed ahead.

"Wait!" Y/n said as his mind flashed back to Yukino a couple years ago running away. Y/n flashed back as he gritted his teeth and ran forward. "How do you kill something that's already dead!?"

The Clock Starts Ticking (Persona 1 x Reader) [On Break]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu