Chapter eight

Depuis le début

"No," He huffs.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Why do you let him talk to you like that?"

"Who? JJ?" I say. "You're one to talk. Every word you say to me is filth."

"You like it when I say it though, plus we are fucking, I have a reason to say it."

"Rafe seriously? We hardly know each other and you're getting upset because somebody else shows interest in me?"

"Listen, I'm not doing this if you're screwing that pogue."

"I'm not screwing anybody Rafe, relax." I sigh. "Why are you being like this anyway? Was there a contract I should have signed that you forgot to mention?"

"I told you to watch your tone with me, Hannah." He says, stepping closer.

"You can't tell me what to do," I say.

"Yes I can, and you're going to listen."

"Oh am I? I'd like to see you make me." I say.

"Hannah I swear to god." He says, bringing his face close to mine.

We hold eye contact for just a minute before he grabs my face and kisses me roughly. I'm too focused on making sure I move my tongue the right way to care.

His hands are gripping my jawline harder as he backs me up until my back hits the wall. His hands are now tangled in my hair and I'm debating whether or not I should haul his shirt off. I grip my hands around the bottom and fiddle with it while I make my decision.

"Take it off," Rafe says, breaking the kiss for only a second. I pull the shirt over his head and his lips are attached to mine again. His hands are roaming my body and mine are planted on his abs.

"Fuck, you're so hot," He groans and I smile.

He takes a second to move my hair out of my face and smiles. I swear his eyes are sparkling and that's not a feature I thought I would ever see on Rafe. Usually, there's fire burning in his eyes.

A loud bang from outside causes me to look past Rafe and out the window from the living room.

"Shit," I say.

"What? Another guy coming over that you forgot about?" He jokes. Or at least I think he's joking.

"No, that's my parents," I say.

"Parents? I don't do parents." He says shaking his head.

"Get in the closet."


"Closet, get in," I say and shove him in.

"This is-"

"Shut it," I say.

I look down to see Rafe's shirt next to my feet. I quickly pick it up and throw it in the closet.

I lean against the door and cross my arms behind my back as I watch my parents walk through the front door.

"Hannah! So glad you're home." Mom says.

"I thought you guys weren't coming home for a few days," I say.

"We were able to leave early. The rest of our meetings got cancelled. We wanted to surprise you." Dad says.

"Well, you definitely surprised us."


"Me, I meant me," I say and awkwardly laugh.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Mom says with a slight chuckle.

"I'm not," I say. "Sorry, you just really caught me off guard. The house is a mess, I would have cleaned it if I knew you were coming."

"The house looks perfect. A little smaller than we are used to but I'm sure we will manage." Mom says looking around the living room.

I jump when I hear a cell phone ring. Mom and dad look in my direction and I freeze when I realize the ringing is coming from the closet. It quickly ends after three long rings.

"Hannah, is somebody in the closet?" Mom says.

"Ah, no."

"You're a terrible liar Hannah. If there's somebody in there let the poor person out. You're twenty-one, you don't need to hide people in the closet anymore."

I sigh before opening the closet door. Rafe's tall body comes into the light again and the look he's giving me isn't the same sexy one he was giving me a few minutes ago.

"Who's this young man?" My dad asks and embarrassment flows through my body.

"Just my friend Rafe. He has to go now though." I say.

"Don't be rude Hannah. You're welcome to stay as long as you like." My mom says with a welcoming smile.

"Thanks but I really do have to go." He says and starts walking toward the front door.

I follow him and when the door shuts behind us, he turns around and gives me the look again.

"This isn't my fault," I say as I cross my arms.

"I know," He says.

"Okay," I say.

"See you later then?"

"Yeah," I nod.

He nods again before walking away. I sigh and force myself to go inside.

"Who was that hunk?"

"Mom." I sigh.

"Seriously Hannah, he's beautiful,"

"He's alright," I lie.

"I told you that you'd find the hotties here."

"We are just friends,"

"Just friends huh? Then why was he in the closet?"

"He's shy," I lie again.

"Lillian, she clearly does not want to talk about it, leave her alone," Dad says.

"I'm just saying, dear. I hope to see him here again, he seems like a sweet boy."

Sweet is the last word I would use to describe Rafe.

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