Chapter four

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Tonight there's another party at Sarah's and I'm still deciding whether or not I should go. Part of me wants to so I can be more social and hang out with my friends, but I know Rafe will most likely be there and I'm scared I will fall into his trap.

Sarah: Please come, I'm begging you

Me: I'll let you know soon

I expect another text from her but for the next thirty minutes, there's no action on my phone whatsoever. I sigh and push myself off my bed to get ready to go. I may regret this in the morning but I have nothing better to do.

I change out of my sweats and into a nicer outfit. I brush through my hair and put two clips on either side to push my bangs out of my face. They are getting too long.

I lock the door behind me and start my walk to Sarah's place. As I approach the house, I get excited knowing that I will possibly see Rafe tonight. I've learned that he drives a rover, and I see it parked in the driveway when I reach the front door.

I let myself into the jam-packed house. I wander around looking for a familiar face, but there are only seven out of the hundreds that I will recognize.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Rafe pressed up against some girl in the corner. I know he sees me because I can feel his eyes burning through me, but I refuse to look. My heart hurts already and I only caught a glimpse.

I try to focus my attention on every other room besides the kitchen. I feel relieved when I see JJ in the living room.

"Hey JJ." I say.

"Hey gorgeous." He says and I smile.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"Kie and Sarah went to the bathroom. Not sure about Pope or John B." He says and I nod.

We stand silently for a minute, I can't help but feel awkward because I can see a few people staring and pointing at me. I'm hoping it's because I'm new and they are trying to figure out who I am, but because of Rafe, I think most of them already know.

"Want a drink?" JJ asks.

"Yeah." I nod. Unfortunately, JJ leads me to the kitchen and I see that Rafe is still standing with the same girl, but their bodies aren't touching anymore. We make eye contact for a split second and the amount of heat that fills my body makes me angry.

"What do you like?" JJ asks.

"Anything, just give me anything." I sigh. At this point, I feel like I need to get drunk to forget about Rafe. Maybe when I start dancing later it'll scare him off.


Two hours later I'm drunk and thinking about Rafe more than before. Why did I do this to myself? I don't even know him and I can't get him off my mind.

"Hey." A voice says from behind me.

I turn around and my face almost hits his chest. I look up to see Rafe smirking down at me.

"Hi." I grumble.

"You don't sound happy." He says.

"I'm not." I say.

"You look like you're having a good time." He says.

"I was." I say and he laughs.

He leans down and pushes my hair behind my ear.

"I can show you a good time baby." He whispers, sending sensations through my body.

"Rafe." I sigh. "You gotta stop talking to me that way."

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