Chapter 1 - Escape

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That's the funny thing about trying to escape. You never really can. Maybe temporarily, but not completely.

- Jennifer L Armentrout


December 21st 2019

Laying across from her I ask her to bring me food from the kitchen which is just two steps from where I am laying down.

I know, I know, I can just get it but younger brothers and sisters are there to do it, so why me? She gives me a stinky eye and scoffs. I stare at her waiting to get my food served. She looks at me from reading whatever that's she is reading on her phone, most probably another one of her novels. She gives me the finger and turns around to go to her room. I sigh and go to her room which is on the first floor and open it without knocking, kicking the door and saying "Bring me food, I'm hungry" rubbing my stomach indicating that it's empty.

"There is no food" I look at her with a questioning look. She doesn't bother responding me and I drag myself to the kitchen to find a note sticked to the fridge

Buy yourself food or make some yourselves. Be back on New Year's, the money's hidden in the place you know we don't talk about. And take care of your sister.

Dad & Mom

Amazing (note my sarcasm)

Now, I have to take care of my sister, a cranky fully growing rude teenager. My stomach growls even more, work has been really annoying these days with my work slowing me down because it's the end of the year and I'm tired as fuck. Can't anyone get the memo and help me relax?

I turn around and go straight to the third cabinet, they are at the top of stove and a bit higher because of course my parents didn't want anyone (thief) to steal their precious food items, like are they diamonds?

Reaching my hand, I take out the jar that's at the end and take out the roll of the money or so was what i thought but nah it was just enough to survive two days with take away which meant they wanted us to cook.


You must be thinking why is a working person worried about money, well I work and I'm saving up for a mansion that's way out of my league.

A person can dream.

15 minutes later, me and my sister are all ready to dine out. When I told her we were eating out, she bolted like a superwoman and got ready in two minutes while I took a quick shower and got ready.

She booked us a taxi, an Uber. Ushering us quickly out of the house, she pushes me in the taxi and practically shoves me in the seat and sits down calmly as the lady she isn't.

I stare at her dumbfounded. Of Course, the taxi guy has to be handsome with all that white button-down shirt, silver chains on his neck, and a tattoo of a dragon covering his right side of the neck with a sexy pair of jeans. He turns around, smiles and asks for the OTP while my sister just stares at him as if he is an otherworldly creature.

Nudging her, I smile at him and say "My sister is not well, she just freezes sometimes, I mean it's winter so obviously" I add the last part when my sister glares at me.

My god, girls can be scary when they are hungry.

Tip no. 1 - Never go out with a girl who is hungry, buy her food and be her delivery man.

Shaking my head, I looked outside, we were in downtown now. It looks pretty with all the lights and people just sneaking alcohol, people or anything they can. Friends making plans and having fun. Families dining out at the restaurants. Children running all around the snow in the park.

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