Good Girls

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Background: When I was bron on the 30th of May 1997 my parents just gave me a name not really caring if I was a boy or girl. 4 months after I was born both my parents were arrested for serial killing and were executed, I was soon put into an adopted center and on my 7th birthday I was adopted by a nice couple that had taken care of many kids like me at the time. It felt like I was finally at home and I still call them mom and dad till this day.
On my 13th birthday I started to starve myself because I had to attend a new school since I punched a girl in the face because she said Twilight is better then Harry Potter, bitch. Now I eat a good sized portion but it still is a bit small. Later on in the middle of summer mom and dad had adopted a boy about 7 months older then me named Harris, we are like best friends but he still has to try and beat Wren (a boy who lived across the street from us) which is going to be quite hard for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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