"He went mad after the presscon, Mrs. Kim. Jin hyung is getting married to, Jihyo" Jimin answered.

"Jihyo? You mean, Yoongi's ex girlfriend!?!" She asked in disbelief.

Mrs. Kim knows everything about the 7 of us because he became our mom ever since we all got close.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim" I answered.

"Oh my god! I didn't know it was with Jihyo, all I knew was my Jinnie will be under fixed marriage, but I never knew it's with Jihyo" she answered sadly.

"Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung are best of friends, and he can't help but worry about his feelings about this, and Seokjin hyung getting married forcefully, is also not easy for him to take, i mean not easy for us to take as well" Tae sadly murmured.

Mrs. Kim sat beside Tae and let out a deep sigh.

"Jin has suffered a lot and I can't help but feel bad because he took all the responsibility that a father should have been doing. But, sadly we can't go against your father because we badly need his financial support for Namjoon's health and mine"

Mrs. Kim cried silently. After a whole damn hour of sitting and waiting, the doctor finally allowed us to visit Namjoon hyung, he was still unconscious but he's breathing well finally.  Mrs. Kim left us inside with Namjoon to talk to the doctor outside.



"Jin has suffered a lot and I can't help but feel bad because he took all the responsibility that a father should have been doing. But, sadly we can't go against your father because we badly need his financial support for Namjoon's health and mine"

Mom's right, Jin hyung has suffered a lot, and Namjoon hyung is weak now. I feel so useless as a son and a brother for not noticing and appreciating my brother's sacrifices for all of us. I have always been carefree and spoiled both by mom, jin hyung, namjoon hyung, our friends and even by father.

Father is surprisingly very fond of me, I didn't know why but he always make time for me, but not with my brothers.

I decided to go and talk to dad about this, maybe he'll listen to me and everything would go back to it's usual place.

"Where you going, Tae?" Jimin asked.

"Outside, I need some air" I answered weakly.

I walked out of the hospital, and drove straight to Father's house. Upon arriving, I immediately went straight to his office. I opened the door and was flustered, but defenetely not surprised seeing him making out with a different bitch this time.

I cleared my throat loud enough to call his attention. Father looked at me and signaled me to wait. He whispered something to the bitch, earning a disgusting chuckle and giggle from her, and she left us both in the room.

"Tae, my favorite son. What are you doing here?" he asked while buttoning his shirt up.

"Father, can't you pull off Jin Hyung's wedding?" I immediately asked with a straight face.

Father's gaze turned cold, and immediately straightened his back and looked straight through my eyes.

"Why would I do that?"

"Father, Jihyo noona is our bestfriend's woman, and Jin hyung is in a relationship with someone else now. Why would you force them to get married knowing they don't even love each other!"

"Oh, you mean, Jin is really in a relationship with that woman despite knowing what happened between us?" Dad asked in disbelief, and laughed wickedly.

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