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"Y/n we're going to the caves (like where Jack took Niki, Tubbo, and George) today get up." Niki whispered in my ear "Alright give me a few minutes." She smiled and closed the door.

I put on Wilbur's hoodie and jeans then did eyeliner and light makeup. I wanted to be comfortable but also warm and Will's hoodie were both. "Good morning love." Wilbur said when I left the room "Hi baby." I gave him a kiss on his cheek "Not even one on the lips?" He asked fake pouting "God Mr. dramatic." Once he was satisfied I went to find Niki "Oh good morning N/n!" She said handing me a cup of coffee "Hallo Niki." Pluto came around the corner "Morning kid." I said ruffling their hair "Hey N/n." They seemed in a surprisingly good mood. George was the only one that hadn't woke up yet so we made Dream wake him up knowing George wouldn't be so mad at him but we were wrong.

THUMP Dream or George hit the floor. The whole room bursted into laughter "Are you alright?!" Sapnap yelled from the living room knowing they could hear us "George broke my back!" Dream yelled back laughing. Me and Sapnap decided to go see what was happening. When I opened the door Dream was laying on the floor having a laughing fit and George was laying beside him half awake. "What the hell?" George looked at us and smiled "Hey guys." Dream calmed down and stood up giving a hand to help George up "What happened?" I asked laughing "George pushed me onto the floor and accidentally fell with me." Dream explained shutting the door as we left "Are you guys alright?" They nodded and we walked to the sofa.

"Alright what are we doing first?" Tommy asked impatiently "Getting breakfast." Wilbur responded "We're going in three groups." He said taking note of the two cars we had "Dream team and Karl, me Y/n Niki Minx Pluto and Maddie, (I forgot that Niki and Maddie are dating so we're gonna say their sharing a room instead and Pluto and Minx are sharing a room) then the children and Phil and Kristen." Pluto seemed happy they were going with Minx, I have my suspicions, and they were fine with the rest of us. I was quite happy with my group "Hey baby we only have two cars there's three groups." I pointed out "Yeah one of the groups is walking or taking a cab." He said loudly enough so the others could hear.

The groups we were put in would be our groups for the rest of the day and we would all meet up at an arcade not to far from the hotel. Our group decided to walk since the cafe we're going to isn't far. Me and Will walked hand in hand behind Maddie and Niki who laughed and smiled at each other then Minx and Pluto walked not far ahead of them. "My feet are killing me!" Maddie complained "We can tell who doesn't work out!" I shouted back at her. The group laughed and Maddie shouted back "Fuck off!" I laughed and leaned on Wilburs shoulder "I can't believe it's already been three days." He said making small talk. The first day we were all jet lagged and the second day we just walked around and watched movies. We were going to be here for three weeks but time was flying. "I know but at least we came!" I said a little louder then I meant to "You are so different N/n." I laughed nervously "In a good way or-" He cut me off by kissing me "In the most perfect way ever." I smiled and kissed him on the nose "Will you guys stop flirting? You're gonna get ran over!" Minx yelled back at us. I laughed and kissed Will once more then started walking again.

(I've changed my mind the meetup is in Florida so forget that I said it was in the Uk)

Sorry I've been really busy with school, packing, and painting. I finally got a break today and went to a friends house so I'm sorry for not writing early again I've been busy

Office boy ( Wilburxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora