"You going?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to start over and rebuild relationship with some of my former enemies"

"That doesn't sound like you" Eret says. "You better not have written these yourself"

"No, those are all Tommy's signatures and I didn't threaten him to do it. I had a change of heart"

Eret raises an eyebrow.

"I'm serious" Dream says. "I'm actually not planning anything"

"Okay Dream, sure. I'll deliver these invites anyways"

"Thank you" Dream smiles before heading off to Hannah's house.

After dropping the invites off to Hannah, Boomer, Connor, Callahan, Michael, and Eryn, Dream tridents across the ocean to Sam's island.

This is going to be awkward. I just burned down his island and attacked him.

Dream lands on the island and Sam is busy farming.

"Hey Sam" Dream waves and Sam turns around.

"Dream!" He stumbles back and drops the hoe. "What do you want?"

Dream's gaze flickers to the blackened roof of the house.

"I can here to give you this" He places the invite in front of Sam. Sam cautiously opens it, as of it was about it explode.

"Tommy's birthday?"

"It's legit, I swear" Dream says. "It's signed by him and everything"

"Why would you be helping him deliver invites?"

"I want to start over and rebuild relations with my old enemies." Dream just shrugs.

"This feel like a trap"

"If you're worried then don't come, Tommy will be disappointed though.

"I'll consider it" Sam says folding the letter up and sticking it on his belt.

"I'll tell him you said that" Dream grins before turning back towards the water. "I genuinely want to start over. I got my revenge already, I'm willing to forget the past and not hate you anymore, if you do the same"

"Hm" Sam watches him swim away.

This could be a trap. But Tommy's smart enough to be able to send some sort of secret message, it seems legit. Even if it is, will Dream keep his word? I'll ask Tommy tomorrow.


Tubbo travels across the water and reaches Kinoko Kingdom. Sapnap stands guard.

"Tubbo!" he draws his sword and Tubbo steps back.

"Hey Sap" he weakly smiles. "I'm here to deliver these invitations for Tommy's birthday"

"Let me see them" Sapnap quickly grabs them and opens the one addressed to him. "Everyone? Is Dream going to be there?"

"Yeah, he helped us write these, he says he wants to start over" Tubbo says.

"Tommy let him?"

"He was hesitant at first but agreed"

"Hmmm, these for Karl, George, and Tina I presume?"

"Yeah" Tubbo turns back to his boat.

"Well thank you Tubbo, I look forward to seeing you at the party"

"You too, tell them I said hi"

"I will"

Sapnap watches Tubbo boat away.

This is one of two things. Either Dream is playing them and this is a trap for his enemies. Or it's an actual party and Dream wants to change. Either way, Karl won't get hurt.


"Hey Big Q!" Tommy smiles and hands Quackity his invitation.

"Your birthday?!" Quackity hugs Tommy, I'll definitely be there!"

"Awesome! Dream will be there too"

"Dream?" Quackity's face falls.

"And Y/N and hopefully everyone else"

"Why them?" Quackity asks.

"Dream wants to change and start over, I'm willing to give him a second chance. He was the one who suggested inviting everyone"

"Well okay, I'll still come though Tommy"

"Yeah! Thanks!" Tommy bounds off to finish handing out the invites.

Quackity smiles and glances at his axe, glimmering in the dim light.

This is the perfect opportunity. Dream has taken so much from me, Y/N too. I can get rid of both of them at the party and I'll be the hero. The Dreamslayer.


"Tommy's having a birthday party?" Techno chuckles holding the card. "Lame"

"Techno" Phil sighs. "He's turning 18, it's a special birthday for him"

"He'll still be a child at heart" Wilbur smirks.

"Can Micheal come too?" Ranboo asks.

"I'm pretty sure Tommy will allow it" Y/N assures. "Dream will be there, along with the rest of the Smp"

"Wow, Tommy agreed?" Phil says.

"Yeah, Dream wants to start over and change for the better. Tommy agreed to give him a second chance"

"You know this can go only one of two ways" Techno mutters. "Either everyone gets along and Dream is no longer hated, or he pulls something and becomes the villain once again"

"He hasn't told me anything" Y/N says. "But if he does decide to become the villain, we'll be the villains together. I swore to stay by him, no matter what."

Her face darken.
"Even if it means betraying my brother on his birthday"


Tommy's party will either be a success or a failure.
It will end in either happiness or chaos.
What will Dream decide to do?
Will Quackity succeed?
The end of the story is drawing near.
I'm still not sure about a sequel.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now